Luvmypets Journal: A New Season


Herd Master
Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
So ok been a bit crazy as you can tell! I was too excited to sit down and write a long post but now that I am home I will :)

We got to the barn around 2:30 or so, I moved down the aisle of stalls checking up on the alpacas and such. When I got to Rosie's stall I noticed her tail was up "whatever she has been doing that for a week now" until my eyes adjusted and I saw a yellow water bag. I went into full on sheep midwife mode. My leg does this thing where is I'm really nervous/scared/excited its starts shaking violently, so I could barely walk at first. Only problem was we had to clean up the snow for our tenant(who never came). I ran outside and started shoveling so fast but then I got winded(asthma man) and had to go back in. Rosie was up and down couldn't get comfy. Then my brother walked in "get out there and finish". I did the minimum amount of work and rushed back in. Nothing was visible at this point but after a few minutes I saw the toes! Up and down and then she pushed out Brutus, who was already trying to stand as his feet were still inside Rosie. She started cleaning him up and I was just melting in cuteness. That's when I noticed another water bag, and saw toes. I had called my brother in and handed him my phone. I had a feeling this lamb would need some help. In like three contractions Stella was born. As she hit the ground I saw her move a bit but she was slathered in amniotic fluids. I cleared her face and stuck my finger in her mouth the sweep it. Her jaw was kinda stiff and I thought she may have passed but then I saw her twitch some more I knew she needed some extra help so I gave her a good swing and put her down and she started crying :weee. Rosie was confused at first but she loves those two, and is such a good mama. Unlike last year she is cleaning off butts and licking the babies instead of eating. Brutus was getting up so fast and found the teat within a half hour. Stella on the other hand was a stubborn little thing and it took her forever to find the teat and latch on. But shes figured it out and is nursing like a champ.

In school I just finished reading Julius Caesar and my brother loves to name animals after historical things(like rasputin) so since today is "The Ides of March" we decided Brutus is the perfect name. Stella is named after the storm she was born during. Her full name will be Stella D as today is the birthday of a family friend who passed in december.

And looking at the pics of my lptop so they are so bad :sick I will try to get some better ones tommorow!