Herd Master
@Bruce if ya can't get burrs out of the fur, fibers, wool, or their hair, for lack of knowledge, then how do ya trim their hooves?
I think that is pretty much what their prior owners did. Paul said "you have to manhandle them". I started working on a gate to close off the alley they use to get outside. Figure if I can trap them in a small space I might be able to convince them they won't die if I touch them. Their hooves were done in Oct before they were brought over. I didn't see the process but I imagine it was a 2 person job.Tackle them, I assume?
They don't but it ensures they are secure, it seems kinda harsh but its a standard practicePresumably about 7 Y/O. My understanding is that the guy who shears them (and never showed last year) does the "stretch them out on the ground" method. It is quite common near as I can tell but I don't imagine the animals care for being trussed up and pulled down.