Luvmypets Journal: A New Season


Herd Master
Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
Thank you all for your kind words. It always hurts to loose an animal, but it is even worse when you did everything you could to save them. I'm trying to stay positive moving forward, and we have been giving the herd the 3 day dose of safeguard. The vet will also be coming out tomorrow to check up on everybody.

In more positive news, I had my first adventure in "house chickens" :)
As some of you may remember I got some chicks from an event by my FFA Chapter(I only have 2 pullets the rest are cockerals :rolleyes:). I had always seen posts of very friendly chickens and wanted that experience so I have been socializing my favorite chick, who I call Marble, for as long as I have had her. I often pick her up and we take naps in front of the big fan(cause you all know how the heat has been). She loves being pet on the back and often falls asleep within a few minutes, she also does this three beat coo which is the cutest thing. I don't know how but I convinced my dad to take her to the house for a night. We had to stop at tractor supply and I got a lot of different looks as I walked by with a pullet peeping in my jacket. Sometimes she escaped my coat and crawled up onto her "post" aka my shoulder. I met a lady who was hatching out some bantams and I saw her surprised look when she saw how much I knew about chickens. I am constantly given grief at school for being a know-it-all, but I can't help it, I love this lifestyle. Ok off topic, nothing new for me :p So when we got back to the house I lined a big plastic bin with an old sheet and then put a small blanket in with her. She was so good, she slept in her box and didn't jump out, even tho she easily could. During the evening she sat snuggled in a towel on my as we watched TV. She was so cute and when I left the living room to do something I came back to my dad with her cooing in his lap :cool:. My brother wasn't very open to the idea, but I know that by the next morning the whole house had, had some quality time with Marble.

Hope you enjoy my rambling lolol


Herd Master
Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
That is so cute about Marble! Do you have a chicken diaper for her?
Thank you, and I just made sure she was on a towel when she was out of her box. Idk but putting a diaper on a chicken seems weird to me :hide


Herd Master
Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
Vet came out early this morning and all the boys got shots for meningeal worm. She said they look good which is a relief to hear.

I also found out that Ras is going to need to be castrated like a dog, surgery and all. Yes we could do it another way but I trust the vets judgement. Kinda frustrated we didn't band him in the first few days of his life, but we live and we learn. I read another thread where someone banded a 4 mon. old dorper ram lamb, but I just do not feel comfortable banding him this late in his life. With the heat how it has been, I don't want to risk an infection/fly strike/nasty stuff. The vet had to say "he is still a good eating age" where I squealed he was my baby and all that fun stuff lol.

:yuckyucksays the one who carries chickens around…:D =D
I mean you're not wrong ;)


Herd Master
Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
So I started my spinning class a few days ago. We learned how to card the fleece than take a drop-spindel and spin it. I think it's an amazing art, however it takes some serious focus. Today I tryed it with some alpaca fiber and it was much more difficult. The alpaca fiber is very soft and if you loose concentration for a second the fleece will break. I'm a little giddy however because I met a NDG breeder who has stock from the farm I was originally looking at. She has lots of does and said she can work within my budget :)

So in other news Ras started halter training today, he did pretty good but then is great motivation :cool: (btw I think we can all agree pink is his color)

Also I'm super sorry I never posted pics from my vacation... I got a bit caught up and sorta forgot to download the pictures :hide
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Hens and Roos

Herd Master
Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
South Central WI
that's cool about the spinning! You will have to keep us up dated on how it goes....we have been at a stand still for trying to spin...our wheel has sat ideal for 2 years now :hide


Herd Master
Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
So yesterday in spinning was kinda stressful. We started on the spinning wheels and it was by no means easy. I would get my technique and then break the fleece and it was overall very frustrating. I know this isn't the kind of thing you get right away but its like waiting for it to click is just like uggghh. But I got to bring the wheel home so I have a week to practice.

Sooo, guess who got to go outside? The piggies finally had their pen finished. Well we are going to add a hotwire, but they finally are out of their stall

Who are these new faces?




Oh how could I forget! I finally got a new phone, so I finally have nice pictures!