Herd Master
Very nice
Well, the wait is on, and Nell, my LaMancha doe, is due any time now. I have no idea when she was bred, but about 36 hours ago her udder increased dramatically in size, to the point where you can now see it sticking out past her hind legs when viewing her from the side. Her sides don't protrude a lot, but she's a large, long-bodied goat and when she kidded twins in June she barely looked pregnant. She is very barrel shaped at this point and definitely hangs low on the underside. I hoping for twins, but wouldn't be surprised if she had trips. This morning I went out to check on her while it was still dark and when I shown the light on her I could tell that the area where her ligaments are located now has a sunken appearance and the top of her hip bones is quite prominent now. No discharge and she hasn't started isolating herself yet. She ate nonstop all day yesterday. I had to fill the hay trough 3 times yesterday and it was emptied out completely every time. I even took all the cookie junkies some stale packs of cookies out to them yesterday and they were all crawling on top of each other to get to them, especially Nell. She's pretty much an eating machine at this point. She's been bred with my pygmy buck, so the babies could be on the smaller side, which is what we are working towards, mini-LaMancha babies.
I'm able to see Nell right now out of my window as I'm typing this and she's standing motionless away from the hay trough looking off into space. Maybe it has begun! I will keep everyone updated as to her progress. Think at least 1 buck and a doeling!
They are beautiful!! Congrats to you!!Okay, I keep my promises and there are pictures of the babies and one of Nell. The black and the brown ones are the bucklings and the cream/white one is the doeling.
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