Green Acres Farm
True BYH Addict
That's happened to me... More than once...I thought this would be a funny story for the day! Earlier this week I went out with my goats to do my geometry homework. And of course they came to chew on my binder and backpack. As I flipped through the notes I had written, Maggie and Shea thought it would be fun to mess with the papers. It was fine, until Shea took my notes paper (of course the one I needed for today) and ripped about 1/4 of it off, words and all. She held it in her mouth for a while to taunt me with it, and before I could grab it back, she proceeded to EAT it!!!!So, the most important notes I needed for the day were now in my goat's stomach! I ended up having to text a friend to get the formulas I needed to complete the assignment. Maggie and Shea just love helping me with my schoolwork
. It was quite the story to tell when my friends asked why my paper was all torn up. So now I have to make sure that there are no loose papers when I go out with them, or they will end up being Maggie and Shea's food
and I will have to tell everyone at school that "my goat ate my homework".