Ive definitely had a problem with a rabbitry I've bought rabbits from. They almost never sell me the correct sex. I got 2 new "does" yesterday. One was for sure female as they said has already had litters. My buck successfully mated with her but i think she may already be pregnant. She built a nest but hasn't pulled fur. The other i bought was supposed to be a doe. I put her with my buck but she just runs around and my buck doesn't try as hard to mount her if in fack she is a doe. I thought maybe she was a buck since this happens to me all the time. I decided to put her in the other new does area to see what would happen. The for sure doe attacked the one im not sure about. Does that mean they are both for sure does? The one that is for sure is reddish. The one im not sure about is black. The reddish is not aggressive with my buck but tries to get away