Mamaboid-Bad day turned out a whole lot better than it could have.


Loving the herd life
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Muncy Valley, PA
Good Morning Everybody.

First let me say I hope everyone is ok from the storms. OMG they are awful. We have friends and family in Virginia, Tennessee, Texas, Maryland, and Indiana...They are all ok, but some of them were pretty close to the damaged areas.

I would like to ask you all to pray for the safe homecoming of our nephew. He is on a forward base in Kandahar, Afghanistan. He has 2 or 3 weeks to go before he comes home for good. They are in lock down due to the killing of two more of our soldiers who were stationed on their base. He left 10 days after his little daughter was born, and is hoping to be home for her first birthday on March 23. His 3 year old son is counting the days, as are we all. All prayers are greatly appreciated.

OK, now to the animals. We had a chicken who sat on a bunch of eggs, and only one survived. She is a pretty little hen half RIR and half black cochin. Her head and cape are red and her body is black with feathers on her feet. She is a very spoiled little girl. Her name is Zip Chick, and we call her Zippy and she actually comes to her name. Our female dog has decided that Zip is hers. She follows her around, chases the other chickens away from her, herds her away from those awful guineas, and in general guards her constantly. It is so funny to watch. Don't know what caused this bond unless it is just that the dog sees us paying more attention to Zip. We were concerned at first, thinking the dog was stalking her to hurt her, but nope, she just loves her and is taking care of her. The dog had a litter of pups at Christmas time, and maybe she is just transferring her mothering to the littlest chick.

Today is the kids last dose of Di-Methox. We will all be glad when this is over, they hate it.
The need their CDT shots done this weekend, and then we are good for a while. Elizabeth is still improving in her actions, but still not 100% as the other two. I just wish I knew what was going on with her. Just weird.

This morning, Elijah and Stephanie the Nubian doe who is in with Elsie and the kids were playing. He headbutted Steph, and she pushed him. He fell off of the little ramp he was standing on and it must have frightened him......He fainted. Fell over and lay there for about 5 seconds, cried once, stood up, shook himself off and went right on butting her like nothing had happened. The first time we have seen any of the kids faint. We did see Elizabeth stiffen one time. So far Erin has not shown any fainting signs that we have seen.

We advertised Erin and Elijah for sale, but put prices on them so that if anybody was interested they had to be REALLY interested. We did it on purpose and even tho we know we should sell Erin especially, we don't really want to. And with Elizabeth not acting quite right, we have pretty much decided to hedge our bets and keep Erin too. We had talked about keeping Elijah already because he is an absolutely PERFECT little buck. We decided to get off the fence, make the decision, and we are keeping him. We will not be field breeding, we will be breeding specific does to specific bucks, so it won't hurt our breeding plans at all to have him here, and Eli is getting so stiffened up with his myotonia that I like the "backup" of the second buck from his bloodline. YES, I know.....this is called justifying keeping my babies...Guilty as charged. :lol: Hi, my name is Bonnie and I have G.A.S.. and I am practicing my own form of chicken math by applying it to goats. You know, kids don't count as goats because they are kids, etc...

Have a great day all.

ETA: We have discovered that Elijah has one black horn and one white horn. He is gonna be funky looking. :lol:



New Member
Aug 8, 2011
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Mamaboid said:
Good Morning Everybody.

I would like to ask you all to pray for the safe homecoming of our nephew. He is on a forward base in Kandahar, Afghanistan. He has 2 or 3 weeks to go before he comes home for good. They are in lock down due to the killing of two more of our soldiers who were stationed on their base. He left 10 days after his little daughter was born, and is hoping to be home for her first birthday on March 23. His 3 year old son is counting the days, as are we all. All prayers are greatly appreciated.
I will be praying for your nephew. I know all about waiting for soldiers to return. My brother just got back from Afghanistan in February from a year long tour. He was able to come home breifly to witness the birth of his daughter in August, but only got 3 days with her before he had to return to Afghanistan. He had been anxious to get back to his new little family. He's been home for almost 2 weeks now and I am waiting for him to come visit down here so I can see my niece and him.


True BYH Addict
Sep 3, 2009
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McIntosh County, OK
Yes, all those men who fight for us should be in our thoughts every time we pray.'

My best friend's grandson is in Afghanistan, I think of him every day.

All the men who fight for us are special, and we should all think of them, and hope they are safe and come home soon.



New Member
Dec 8, 2010
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I'm glad that he is gonna get to come home! He and his family will definitely be in my prayers.

Tell him that I said "thank you" and tell his wife that I said "thank you for sharing her husband with her country"


Loving the herd life
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Muncy Valley, PA
Good evening all.

Well, the kids all have had their CDT shots with no ill effects. Nobody even hollered except Erin, and she is our little complainer. Giving her the Di-Methox this week you would have thought I was killing her. She hollers about everything.

The weather stunk here today, snow showers ending up with about a half inch of snow/ice on the ground and just plain nasty.

If anybody was trying to watch the goats on the camera, sorry about it being off. The monitor in the barn said it was broadcasting, but it was froze up I guess cause it was not. It is back on now, and hopefully will behave its self while I am gone cause Papaboid has NOT A CLUE about anything computer.

I have to be at the hospital tomorrow morning by 7:30. It is an hour away, with a 15 minute "bus" ride in from the huge parking lot, which means I have to leave here at no later than 6am. I am scheduled for my surgery at 8:50am. I will be glad when this is over, even tho I know I am going to have what the Drs are calling "considerable pain". Gee isn't that something to look forward to. Depending on how I feel, I may have DH bring my computer to the hospital on Tuesday. If not I will talk to you all when I get home which hopefully will be Wednesday or Thursday. (Wednesday if I have anything to say about it.)

Hope you all have a wonderful week, and I will be looking forward to seeing more baby pics when I get back on. Just think, for the next couple weeks all I will have to do is sit here and look at baby pics and post.....oh you are all gonna get so tired of me.

All for now, later.....
