March Kidding--Anyone due and want to wait with me??


Loving the herd life
Dec 20, 2013
Reaction score
One month to go! I am getting so excited....And impatient!
I am too :pop but also scared cause I will be a first time granny, and one of my does will be a first time mommy.... :fl:th:ep


Ridin' The Range
Jul 12, 2011
Reaction score
I've got three due in March. My buck went in Oct 1 and bred them all several times over the next few days. Since he stopped trying after a while and he's our only buck I let him stay with the girls. We are picking up a new buck this weekend so it's the boot for both of them until next Fall!
Anyway, two of my does are experienced, good-sized Nigerians: Toula (my herd queen) is at least a fourth freshener and Melina at least a third. These gals are good knee-high does with wide-set bodies and have already had twins and triplets on their own.
The one I worry about is my tiny doe Persephone. She's about three or four inches shorter and is the only disbudded doe so she gets picked on. I believe a parasite or genetic issue as a kid may have made her small before we ever picked her up. She's our little bottle baby. Persephone kidded a single buckling last Summer without any trouble. We had no idea she had been bred and when she had some discharge I--never having seen a kidding before--assumed she was in heat. This buckling came out fine and grew just as fast as any other baby.
The problem is now Persephone is as wide as a house, already putting on a bigger udder than the other two. I'm terrified of my baby having multiples! She's in my profile pic, the little black one and she's not really much bigger today. Am I just a typical paranoid goat lady? She did kid without incident last year and that was even out of typical breeding season. Are multiples usually smaller than singles?