They are 2months old and WILD.The one with white marking rammed tru the wire around bottom of corral and ran around crazy. Bruno was a good boy and sat far back watching the action. They both got a CDT shot. Today or tomorrow will be attempt 2 to weigh and deworm.
When we are bringing in new calves/feeders or even cows, we give them 5-7 days to just chill out before attempting much of anything in the way of working them. They are so much more likely to come down with stuff when their systems are so wound up. We do give blackleg right off the trailer as protection... but other vaccs and anything else like worming waits for a few days. You might be better off to just let them chill out a bit and see you are not always going to "do something to them" every time they see you...
They are nice looking... sorry they are so wild...
Feed is a great gentling assistant. Sit down in their lot, that puts you on their level and not towering over them, a scary monster. LOL Every other day sit a little closer to their feed. When you hit that spot where they totally freak out and refuse to eat, back up a little. It may take awhile, but I know you have patience.
Nice looking ewes -- who sure appear to be looking for an escape! . I'm sure it will work out before long. You'll get them calmed.
Of course these were not born there but I have found that imprinting when born makes a huge difference in their attitude to you later. Even if you can't get to them as much as you'd like, that first couple hours and days makes a real difference when you do need to handle them. Less fear factor.
Last night sucked and today's going to be a mess. We got home from scouts at 7:30pm to discover the tap into the 12" water main for our meter failed. I got completely soaked and covered in mud shutting our water meter valves which did nothing. It's the main line for this side of town so they started work immediatly. Cue trying to sleep thru backhoe noise.
Water is back on! I'll see how bad the mess ia when I get off work. Don't know off any damage to house but I gave insurance company a heads up just incase.
- Register dBa name Done
- Farm logo In Progress
- Transfer Ag Valuation to our name Applied
- Register with Katahdin Hair Sheep International and Scrapies Program Done
- Sheep herd to 4 ewes Now 3, probably stopping here so I can buy more bees
- Chickens In Progress
- Beehives to 5 hives Last several severe storms knocked over hives. All 3 are dead, starting over.
- Close up front entrance In Progress, posts and gates are in. Just need to buy and stretch wire.
- Water supply at sheep shed In Progress, 275gal tote to gravity feed water trough. Can fill up with hoses about once per month.
- Figure out control plan for locust trees Attended Ag Extension training and have ideas to try
- Clear access path along entire fence line