Margali's Griffin Wood Ranch


Herd Master
Apr 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX area
We met with school nurse, his teacher, and the principal on Wednesday to review his Diabetes management plan. Everyone at school was reassuring and there are already 2 Type 1 students on campus. Afterschool director called me to say she was getting his afterschool teacher trained to the Unlicensed Diabetes Care Assistant standard so he can continue afterschool.

We also have a meeting sometime this week to officially add his Type 1 Diabetes to his existing IEP. This will give him testing exemptions and accommodations such as rescheduling when dealing with low or high blood sugar. The IEP will also allow him to bring his smartphone and snack into standardized testing where it's not normally allowed as well as taking breaks in the timed tests.


Herd Master
Apr 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX area
I'm so glad Katahdin sheep are great moms. No assistance birthing and almost interaction so far. All the babies are doing great.
Dottie LHP19 had another huge single ram. He was 13.4lbs at 3 days old and is 17lbs now, 0.9lb/day gain.
Blaze LHP16 had a pair of twin ewes: white Gwynn and brown Gell. They were 8.74 and 7.45lbs at first weigh-in, gaining 0.56lb/day.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I am very impressed with the school situation for your son. It will get better, and you all will get into a "new normal" routine. Kids are resilient.... it will just be a little aggravating for him. The only good thing about this is with his age, he will "grow up" with it, rather than have it hit at 15 or 16 when he's at odds with so much with the hormones and all that... and then to get angry or depressed over it. Saw that with a friend as a was very very tough and nearly impossible for them to deal with.... compared to another friend that grew up with it from about 6 or 7.... it was just matter of course to her.... and we all cared enough about being friends that we didn't do stupid things to compromise what she was "supposed to do" as far as food and stuff. They did everything everyone else did.

Congrats on the lambs... and take the few minutes to enjoy them... they are like your "time out" ..... and spend some time with Cassandra with the sheep so she doesn't get "resentful" about the "special treatment" that her brother is getting... not saying she will... but sometimes kids do just because... it's natural and sometimes is a reaction to their being scared and totally feeling shut out or out of control ... and the sheep is something special that she started in and you can share...

Glad that you are feeling a little better. How about any other symptoms of the problems you were having? I know that they didn't "find anything"... but.....

How is work going for you? I think about all the aggravation and worry about how that is working on your whole system with these added things..... Is is going okay with DH's job now????