Kind of a long story...ND doe kidded twins in September, nursed them with no problem, I milked her from the time they were two weeks old, twice a day after they left. Lots of milk. I use a hand pump suction milker, noticed decrease from left side, over two or three days, then nothing from that side using the suction pump. Hand milked, found that udder was "pulpy" and with effort I was getting clumps and strings. Right side fine. So, over the next several days I warm massaged and milked out the left side till nothing else came out, udder was shrunk to non milk size. All the time, still milking fine from the right side. Decided to dry her off as I hate milking in the winter anyway, obviously did it too abruptly as a few days after no milking, right udder is still large so I went to milk it down a bit, oh oh, pulpy, squishy, clumps and strings coming out. Smelled very yeasty as well. Back to the warm massage and milking but then came out a few mornings later to find her obviously not feeling well, not eating, not getting up. Ok, called the vet out. Vet milked out bloody stuff, first time for that, yeecchhh! Still smelling yeasty. Five days of antibiotics, pain killer and Newcell and continued massage and emptying. Lots of bloody "milk" On the third day of this, doe is up and around, eating and hollering to get out of the isolation stall. So, a few days after meds were done, I went away for a long weekend, figuring she was good, and husband does a lot but massaging udders not his thing. When I got back a week ago, she seemed good, back to normal. Few days ago, I looked at her and her udder just didn't look right, tried to get a good look but she is having none of it so let it go. Yesterday, looking again, it appears that the udder is detaching itself??!!! What the....? Have a call into the vet, am not going to even try to get at it till he arrives, but what I can see looks cream/yellow colour. Will take some pics later as well. Doe is acting normally. Will be interesting to hear what vet thinks. Any ideas from the goaties here?