Lesson learned. I trust(ed) people far too much. Because I'm honest when I'm selling something and will sit on the sale for weeks or months on end to be honest, I assume others are the same -- clearly this is not the case.
I'm located in Saskatchewan, Woodsie, but thanks . Sometimes a lesson learned is a cow gained, it would seem. I have a few friends rallying behind me to try and help out. I just don't understand why people can't be trusted anymore. I always think: if I was the person getting <item> that had <this thing wrong with it>, I would want to know, not find out taking it home. But I suppose other people don't feel the same. They've either been shafted so figure it's fair to shaft someone else, or they have little to no moral fiber.
Like good food, honest people have fallen by the wayside.
I agree, I've been "shafted" several times, and its hard to trust people now. I think my worst experince was I bought a horse from some people that I knew slightly, they were moving. When I went to see the horse they had her in the barn in a tie stall and I thought they were being nice. HAHA! I bought her and got her home put her in a nice 12x12 8' high box stall. All was well untill she tried to go over the top of the stall, got hung up on the top of the stall and cut her belly open. After we got that healed up I put her out on pasture and found out why they had her in the barn when I looked at her, you could not get anywhere near that horse when outside. One time after I had her for a short time I was putting the horses in for the night, she came in the barn, ran to her stall, as I was shutting her stall door she blasted back out, in trying to jump over me she knocked me down and clipped me with her hooves, and before I could get back up she kept running back in and out and would hit me each time as she did so. I really thought she was going to kill me that time. I did finally manage to roll out of the way and get back up. Everyone told me to just resell her, dump her on someone else, but that wasn't something I could do. I knew that the only place I could sell her was to the killers, and I couldn't do that either. I kept her till she died, and with years of gentle handling she did settle down but I always kept an eye on her and never really trusted her. I don't know what demons she had in her head, and I think she was badly abused as a young horse, but she could have killed someone and the people I bought her from should have said something.
I'm getting too old now to keep an animal that will try to hurt me, but could never live with myself if I sold something knowing it would hurt someone else.
Sorry to hear about your horse story, Azriel. I hate that there is little to nothing in most people's proverbial hand shake these days.
We finally got her cleared up after more medication than I'd ever like to shake a fist at. She was still rough on Thursday and then randomly, bam, Friday she was about 95% clear. Still for sale, calving is starting here so hopefully she'll find where she needs to be.
She may be one that you just never get totaly cleared up. I had a Brown Swiss many years ago that would clear up for a few days, then bam, mastits right back. No matter what I did she would not stay clear.
Oi that annoys me! It wouldn't annoy me if I knew that at purchase (because I wouldn't have bought her), or if she was a cow I'd raised myself or some such. I just feel so robbed. Hah!