I sure hope so! On the upside, I am getting a great workout slogging back and forth through the ice swamp we call the pasture! I have been going out to the barn about every hour during the day and late into the night.
Is it possible to not feel ligs one time and then feel them the next time you check?
Oreo is TEASING me!
On a happier note, yesterday we made a warming barrel and rearranged her kidding pen, so I feel A LOT better about her kidding when we're not there.
Thanks for all the advice and encouragement! I will keep everyone posted.
Sad news on the kidding front. Grammy, our Kinder, delivered a dead buckling today. At least I am pretty sure it was doa. We got home from church and she had it cleaned off and was nudging at it. No signs of another kid or of afterbirth. She does have something hanging, kind of looks like an umbilical cord, but not sure. She is completely unperturbed. She is up and eating and drinking and acting like nothing significant has happened today.
We are sad, but we just barely figured out that she was pregnant yesterday. She has no bag, just a saggy old lady udder. Grammy has not been in great health this winter. We have wondered if she will survive the season. She has been wormed, has a mineral/protein block, good hay, and fresh water at her disposal. She also has a barn to come and go in to get out of the weather. We have always felt that she is on the old side. Anyhow, sad day.