
Herd Master
May 7, 2013
Reaction score
Hey ya'll.... My Mistress calls me Cowboy...silly but I got used to it. I hope ya'll don't mind me buttin' in just a little bit. I wanted to tell Mel and Trip that I'll carry the num-nums for the guys in the group! Trip, dude! I can't say that I blame ya for tryin to keep the guys away from the num-nums - but for whatever reasons humans frown on that kinda behavior.

:rolleyes:I usually do what my Mistress least while she's looking. After she got that biting string that goes above the fence I started to get the hint. But, after the last time she took me to see that vet guy she said I wasn't gettin' back in her truck - EVER! Something about corn-filled poop in her truck.. I don't really understand why she got so mad - but I gotta tell ya....if she tries to take my num-nums I'll dump more corn-filled poop in her truck! (snicker)

Uh...also kinda wanted to say howdy to that gorgeous Gabbie gal. She should like me best - I still got all my original equipment!

It's pretty hot and humid here...think I'll go for a dip in the pond and then dig another hole in the barn and hunker down for the day.

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
Well howdy Cowboy, welcome to the pack, we need more canines to join us and tell their stories, i mean after all, the humans have their herd...we should form a pack !
Ps isn't Gabby a striking gal ? And Trip....well he is a trip for sure, and Paris, oh man she just makes me quiver with delight. ...I have seen pictures of that big fluffy Maisy.....Boy oh boy, with that eyeliner she puts on so perfectly, now thats one hot momma ! Your BYH friend Mel :flypig


Herd Master
May 7, 2013
Reaction score
Yes indeed - that Maisy is a gorgeous gal! I'd like to...ahem..."meet" her someday! (insert wolf whistle here)

Question for you your people get upset when you dig holes? I don't really understand why they get grouchy about that. I mean, my Mistress is kinda clumsy (don't tell her I said that) but she just needs to watch where she puts her feet.

And, another question - why do the people only have two feet? They'd be so much more sure-footed if they had four like us!

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
Hey Cowboy...I get ya about the humans call them the pits , lol...
but from what i heard, the humans used to walk on all fours and then over time they started thinking they could rule the animal kingdom and started walking on their hind legs....and using their front paws to do things...before you knew it they took us out of the wild and started controling every thing we do. Can ya imagine back in the days of your grand doggy....he ran wild and free, chased down what ever he wanted for dinner, pooped and peed anywhere. All males had num nums and we could do our thing with any female that we wanted to do it with .....darn humans talk about the 60's and "free love and Woodstock " ....barf barf, we had all that going on for ever till they started walking upright like some upitty critter.
Darn ...she's callin me out side for something, your BYH friend , Mel :flypig
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Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Well, welcome Cowboy!!...from across the Gulf....not really sure what that means really, but Pops explained that ya are on the otherside of the water.....I don't get to hang outside by myself, Momma and Pops are always around when I'm outside....they let me dig tho, but not in certain areas....Momma yells at me for it, but Pops lets me have my fun, he says it is just dirt and can be put right back into the hole if needed....but, let me tell ya....where we were before had some really hard, tough ground to dig in.....but, over here, it is as easy as pie....ya can dig a large hole and not even break a sweat...ya know a girl doesn't need to be sweating anyway....I hope Paris and Maisy hang around, I don't need to be the only girl amongst all these "Hunks" far as the legs go, I'm glad the Creator made us different....I hate to burst the bubble, but they never walked on "all fours"....and we are made different for different functions....and I'm sooo Glad they have hands....cause it would be tough with these paws to get food and that wonderful "juice" that Pops puts on my food from that big box looking thing that hums from time to time....not only that, but these paws and nails are great for scratching and digging, but those hands feel really good rubbing and scratching in those tender areas....especially when there is fur to be shed....oh, man!! feels so good my hind leg just takes off on its own and I can't control it....I'm thankful I get to lay on cool tile during the heat of the day....just don't know how y'all stay out in the heat with those big furry coats ya are wearing....mine is certainly warm enough....guess the holes in the cooler dirt helps to cool ya down some....:idunno...anyway, y'all take care of yourselves and your charges.....don't forget, be nice to the people....cause they control the Food and Treats!!.....:):frow

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
Hey Gabby its Mel, I really don't know nonthin bout no "bubble burstin" :lol: its just a old story that some ole hound dog told my great grand doggy, and beside I wasn't there to enjoy it...times sure have changed from my great grand dogs days...they used to get free bones from the butcher all the time ! Although they were not allowed to come into the house back then....but at least it was cooler cuz ya could go dig a hole somewhere and hang out for the day. Now humans have somethin runnin that makes their place cooler than outside ! That's where I wanna be , inside with the humans in the cooler air....gotta go, moms goin to the store... later girly girl, your BYH friend Mel :flypig


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Howdy Cowboy! From Trip, Paris and Carson (who still has num-nums) Welcome to the pack, glad to have you here with us. All 3 of us love to dig holes, especially when going after gophers. While Mom likes dead gophers, we dig what she calls mine fields. We agree that maybe Mom and Dad should snuggle down in a nice cool hole in the dirt, then maybe they would like it and not sit in those reclining chairs any more.


Herd Master
May 7, 2013
Reaction score
I've been helping my human by digging in the barn. I mean, my mistress has been digging out a bunch of what she calls "barn gold" so I figured she'd enjoy the help. But, she gets grouchy when she's not paying attention and steps in one of the craters. I mean geeze, how hard is it to watch where you're putting your feet? I know she's distracted by all those goats crowding around and trying to get to the bucket of goodies. Sometimes I keep the goats away from her - and sometimes her yelling at 'em works. I hate it when she yells at me for just doing my job. Yesterday I was just trying to keep the horses away and she got annoyed at me just cuz I won't let them eat the goat's hay. Humans are confusing sometimes...

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
Good gosh, it has been warm...ummmm, it's me ...Mel, ......well let me tell ya bout these females I live with, now I know the proper name for a female canine... but alpha my human mom won't let me say anyhow, this afternoon I was minding my own business when all of a sudden that female dog that is always chained up next door , ....came running to the fence to meet me :ep......she had her hair cut and had even gotten a bath !
Mom was so happy to see that... she almost cried , but Missy....oh my, she got so mad at that girl flirting with me that she was chewing through the fence to tear her up !
Hey...I know I'm a good looking guy I can't help that, it's in my I have three girls fighting for my attention, yelled really loud and I bout hit the ground,.... Sophie booked it but Missy kept on trying to eat that fence till mom yelled again and gave her a smack on the butt to stop.. and her face was bleeding too........gezzzz .... mom said it was because I was such a good boy that the girl next door got some attention from her owners......all these females fighting for my attention made me tired, so I asked to go into the AC for a nap....hope ya all have a great week....your BYH friend MEL :flypig
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