Milking ?


Chillin' with the herd
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
Marionville, MO
I have never owned or been around goats till this past Wednesday when I bought two does from a woman up by KC. I know NOTHING but what I have read.
I got there to buy the goats and the two were in a pen together getting along. The one I know is pregnant since she got into the bucks pen and had some fun. (The woman can't tell me WHEN the kid will be born, even to guess). The other one had two kids and one, the buck was sold and the little doe was still there. She didn't tell me that she was letting the little doe still nurse so I get the two goats back to my house and noticed the next day that one teat was small and the other was a little larger as well as her bag was fully formed. I have emailed this woman a few days ago and today she finally answered and said that she was letting the little doe nurse until I came to get the does. Don't worry, she will dry up in a few days.
The reason I got the two were because I can't digest cows milk so wanted to try goats. WHY wouldn't she let me know I could be milking the one for the past three days???? I did buy a maggiedan hand milker and tried milking her tonight and got some milk but she was kicking and trying to get away so stopped.
My questions are, should I just let her dry up? Or should I still milk her? If I milk her, after all this time, will the milk still be any good or does it sour or what? I feel really stupid for not checking more and asking more questions but I figured the woman would tell me everything since she knew I know NOTHING about goats.
I will be going through limbo with the other doe since I don't know when she will kid. BOTH does are Nigerian Dwarfs if this means anything.
ANYONE out there know what I should be doing for the lactating one or the preg. one ? Makes me rethink this whole owning goat thing.
I would really appreciate someone giving me some advice on caring for the two. PLEASE & THANK YOU. Deb

I did print off everything I could find about raising goats and know about the shots and worming but this................ Not in the books.


Ridin' The Range
Feb 4, 2012
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Beautiful Big Bear Mountains
Mitransplant said:
I have never owned or been around goats till this past Wednesday when I bought two does from a woman up by KC. I know NOTHING but what I have read.
I got there to buy the goats and the two were in a pen together getting along. The one I know is pregnant since she got into the bucks pen and had some fun. (The woman can't tell me WHEN the kid will be born, even to guess). The other one had two kids and one, the buck was sold and the little doe was still there. She didn't tell me that she was letting the little doe still nurse so I get the two goats back to my house and noticed the next day that one teat was small and the other was a little larger as well as her bag was fully formed. I have emailed this woman a few days ago and today she finally answered and said that she was letting the little doe nurse until I came to get the does. Don't worry, she will dry up in a few days.
The reason I got the two were because I can't digest cows milk so wanted to try goats. WHY wouldn't she let me know I could be milking the one for the past three days???? I did buy a maggiedan hand milker and tried milking her tonight and got some milk but she was kicking and trying to get away so stopped.
My questions are, should I just let her dry up? Or should I still milk her? If I milk her, after all this time, will the milk still be any good or does it sour or what? I feel really stupid for not checking more and asking more questions but I figured the woman would tell me everything since she knew I know NOTHING about goats.
I will be going through limbo with the other doe since I don't know when she will kid. BOTH does are Nigerian Dwarfs if this means anything.
ANYONE out there know what I should be doing for the lactating one or the preg. one ? Makes me rethink this whole owning goat thing.
I would really appreciate someone giving me some advice on caring for the two. PLEASE & THANK YOU. Deb

I did print off everything I could find about raising goats and know about the shots and worming but this................ Not in the books.
I you want the milk you will need to start milking her or she will dry up. you can hobble her so she wont kick, you need to be giving some grain and alfalfa Hay, if you give her grain while you are milking she will get better. this is just what I have learned. there will be others along with more knowledge but you need to milk her twice a day.


Chillin' with the herd
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
Marionville, MO
Thank you. I didn't know if I milked her, if the milk would still be good or not. Dumb question was, After three days of NOT milking her I wasn't sure if the milk would sour in her teat from not coming out or if it would still be alright to express this milk and then collect the milk after a few more milkings. Sure wish I knew more about raising goats. Got thrown into this rather fast. Live and learn, RIGHT? lol

Roll farms

Spot Master
Jun 5, 2009
Reaction score
Marion, IN
Milk her out completely and toss it or feed it to the cats / dogs / etc. That'll be 'old' milk and you don't want it. Make sure you get it all out.

Apply udder balm (I like the lotion-y type farm stores carry, not the 'ointment' type) b/c she may be sore after being milked. Apply teat dip or spray w/ fight bac after applying udder balm.

The next time you milk you can save it. Keep it as clean as possible (we shave our does' udders to keep hair / dirt from getting in the milk, others put a cheesecloth over the bucket to keep it out.) Filter it and cool it as quickly as possible after milking her. Taste it once it's cool. It shouldn't taste 'goatie' or have any off smells / tastes.

You can get by on milking her 1x a day but to up her production, 2 (or even 3x at first) a day would be best.

Be the boss goat. She's your new 'employee', you have to show her what is / is not acceptable on the milk stand. Kicking isn't acceptable.

I find it easier to milk by hand but most of our girls have great big old handles that accomodate that....Some Nigis have bigger teats than others so that will depend on you and her.

Are you feeding her on the milk stand? My does will NOT cooperate if they don't have groceries in front of them.


Chillin' with the herd
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
Marionville, MO
THANKS for answering my questions. I don't have a milk stand as of yet. Have found something that will work but need to get the part that holds her head built. I did it by sitting on the floor and trying it that way. Didn't get it all. I will try that later today. None of the stores are open around here today so will have to make due with things I have on hand for people. I really appreciate your help since I am a goat dummy. Will let you know how things go after I get home from church this morning and give it a try. I did know that you need to feed them something special while milking to get their mind off what I am doing. Hope all goes well. THANKS AGAIN!


Chillin' with the herd
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
Marionville, MO
Thank you so much. My hubby is down in the barn working on a milk stand as I type this. I will go to the sight now and read ALL I can absorb at this sight. Really appreciate you letting me know about it. THANKS!!!

Queen Mum

Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
Dardanelle, Arkansas
This is a great forum. Everyone here is really helpful. I think you will find that if you have a question, people will bend over backwards to help you out. If it is an urgent question, but "URGENT" in your header and people will get back to you right away.

Nobody will make fun of you or laugh at you, because there isn't a thing any of us haven't done before.

Welcome to BYH.


Chillin' with the herd
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
Marionville, MO
How would I find someone in my general area that is a RELIABLE breeder? I thought the woman I got these two was but now I am not sure since she didn't tell me anything. I didn't even get a receipt, just their certificates. I want to eventually breed Nutmeg this fall but don't trust her so don't want to drive the two and a half hours up to KC. I live in Marionville, about 25 miles south west of Springfield MO if that helps. Know anyone who has goats I could breed with?