Chillin' with the herd
If the sow thistle others are referring to is the same as the sow thistle here, my goats LOVE it. It's high on their list of favorites, along with dandelion, raspberry, dogbane (apparently poisonous after frost . . . I'm hoping they'll have eaten it all by then), quaking aspen, and brome grass. They will nibble on most everything else, but one of them positively seeks out sow thistle. I haven't ever read anything claiming that it's poisonous. Just thought I'd mention . . . I don't think this is the culprit. They also eat narrow-leaved hawkweed, which looks quite a bit like sow thistle, but they don't eat nearly so much of it. They might even be avoiding it, it seems to still have a lot of flowers in my pasture when they've eaten all the sow thistle flowers.