MINERAL MYSTERY'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Old Ram-Australia

Herd Master
Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
G'day Horse fly.thanks for the pic's,thats a 'serious pond',do you irrigate your 'summer pasture' from it ?..........Are the woods in the 'background yours?............They would make a great place for the goats to go in the 'summer heat'..........Get Sis to have a good look in those woods you may find some very useful grasses in there.A couple of years ago we had a botanist come out to look at our pastures and she counted over 40 species and this was in the middle of our drought and it the middle of winter.

I am sure when you do some internal fencing and are able to rest some of your country you will be surprised what you find just "pops up".

Thanks again for the photo's and the post .always glad to hear from you...regards ...T.O.R....................

PS.how much Nub is in that buck?He looks to have two 'cuts of Boar to me ....


Ridin' The Range
Feb 3, 2010
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Our property goes up to those tall trees in the back. Its really just a line of tall trees that opens to pasture behind us. It rains alot here and is humid so there is never a need to irrigate here. The land kind of naturally refertilizes itself with the goats and the pond flooding over a couple times a year. The line of trees you see in the last picture is where the goats all go to lounge around mid-day every day, they've dug themselves dirt pits at the bases of the trees :rolleyes:.
The goat in the picture is 100% Fainting/Myotonic Goat. He is a big hefty dude.

The Old Ram-Australia

Herd Master
Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
Sorry Bossroo ,I just went back to page one and see that you do use a mineral mix ........................Just out of interest what does it consist of and in what form is your selenium ?..................The selinium question is because I may have to start "dosing"our sheep to improve conception rates and growth rates..................T.O.R.


True BYH Addict
Jun 15, 2010
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The Old Ram-Australia said:
Sorry Bossroo ,I just went back to page one and see that you do use a mineral mix ........................Just out of interest what does it consist of and in what form is your selenium ?..................The selinium question is because I may have to start "dosing"our sheep to improve conception rates and growth rates..................T.O.R.
For sheep I used a commercial salt/ mineral blocks with selenium formulated for sheep. Sorry, but I don't have the label handy. The sheep would lick the blocks quite often. Interesting part is that my horses still have their same block from 10 years ago and hardly touch it. We have a quite high salt content to our soils, so I give them some vitamin/ minerals + selenium with their daily grain ration. I also add about a tablespoon of diatomatous earth (exoskeletons of diatomes...comes in 50 pound bags used as a filtering medium for swimming pools, also as bug control in grain storage elevators. Food grade is also available , but much more expensive.) to this mix for the last 30 years. I do this for internal parasite then for fly control for all classes of animals ... First their sharp edges will slice and dice the paracites in the animal's intestines, then when the diatomatous earth is then expelled in their feces, they will then slice and dice the outer skin of the fly maggots whereupon they dehydrate and die. I also use fly predators ( a small wasp about 1/8" that preys upon fly larvae only) which lay their eggs into the fly larvae then upon hatching will eat the fly maggots inside out. I virtually eliminated the fly population on our ranch.

The Old Ram-Australia

Herd Master
Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
G'day, here is a thread from 2011 which you may enjoy.From memory it was about this time we had a "crash and burn" with our computer and at the time I was not in a financial position to "rush out and replace".Anyway we can restart the conversation from here again if you like? T.O.R.