I don't know how much you can tell from this view.. her belly is very big, and she is wide. her neck is wider than usual also. last time she had her baby she bagged up the day before.. now she is just a little poochy bag, believe me you will know! I didn't think she was due until july-august... just waiting!!!! I will try to get another picture of her whole body!!
this is annabelle a few months ago... her belly was hanging a little low here
I have to say....I think my female is every bit that big! UH oh...I bet she is pregnant then. When you feel her belly, can you feel any movement, body parts of the baby etc? I keep trying to feel and its like there is nothing there!
just keep watching her udder. We have been checking a few times every day. I think maybe a few more weeks.....
when I feel her belly it just feels hard, and big!
I haven't really done much standing and waiting to feel movement, she usually doesn't want me to mess with her belly too much.