Mini Nubian vs. Dwarf Nigerian body condition**UPDATED PICS**


Loving the herd life
Nov 29, 2012
Reaction score
Little River-Academy, Texas
My goodness, she is thin. She does look a little bit better than when you brought her home. I read an article just recently that says anytime a goat is stressed, such as with moving to a new home, their available B12 will be reduced and that keeps them from utilizing everything they eat fully. I would suggest a B12 injection to help her get the most benefit from everything you are doing for her. I'm like you, I like filled out goats. My new addition to our herd is a 4-month-old buckling and the does have treated him just terribly. He hasn't been putting on weight since I brought him home and I'm sure it's because he's B12 deficient with the stress of fitting into the herd. I am going to get some B12 and dose him up, too, and hopefully he will start putting on some weight. He wasn't in bad shape when I got him, but he could be a little bit better conditioned, plus he's still growing too and needs as much nutrition as he can get.