Mini pig attacking new young goat


Exploring the pasture
May 20, 2020
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Hello everyone,
So I'm new here and fairly new to looking after farm animals.
Started out small with rabbits, then added some ducks, so far so good... Then I adopted a mini pig (vietnamese potbelly) that was a house pet and set up a space for her out with the others (loves the straw and rooting around). They all live free together and had no issues except pig trying to steal everyone's food. Dealt with that by making a smaller pen inside the main one just for feeding time and it's working out fine.

The new kid in town...
So yesterday I brought home a young Pigmy goat and he had a little run around the pen, checking things out. All was fine until the pig woke up and she immediately charged at the goat, running after him and trying to bite. Not the reaction I hoped for... Caught the pig and gave her a time out in small pen.
After that, poor little goat was scared but physically fine. Tried introduction again later on, ready to intervene and at first was able to verbally correct her when showing aggression but as soon as she gets close enough the biting attempts start.
So obviously I can't leave them together overnight and brought the new kid in the house for tonight. Cat got head butted and my 2 big dogs keep rolling over to be his friend but he's not interested right now... A bit too much for one day I suppose.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I'm sleepless, tossing and turning, trying to figure out how I'm going to be able to trust the pig not to hurt the little guy.


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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Hi there! I think I might be able to help you. I have many fact I breed Juliana mini pigs! They are not in with my goats, but my pot belly is. The pot was raised with two goats...but..I’ve had new goats put in with her...ohhh, what a time with introducing them! Do you have chickens? With pigs, and chickens..,you need to introduce, with look, no touch...this means,,,,you need a fence between the two...I know..,a pain, and costs money...but, once you take down the temporary fence, you’ll find it very useful around the farm! Ok, we paused looooing 2x4. And chicken wire...yes, the chicken wire worked fine, the pot didn’t try to eat through the wire. My Hampshire pig did! SOS, we made paneLas of the fencing. Then de drilled them together. We have a goat shed, where they all were using, and yes, we divided that too. What pain in the tookus. So...the pig could see the goats, vise versus. They got used to the smell, the senses, everything. Once after things settled...I mean...a long time....we slowly took down the partition...for a test run. The goats were still scared....yes, there are still times when my pot...who is a gentle silly gal, can be mean to the feed time....but, overall, I catch them spooning! I hope this helps...feel free to ask more questions....❤️🐐🐷


Exploring the pasture
May 20, 2020
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Thanks Duckfarmer, it gives me hope.

I don’t have chickens, just a rooster with the ducks and like I said before no issues there, the pig never bothers them now that feeding time is sorted out.
But you’re right about a temporary fence so they can get to know each other without risk of total chaos! I will set something up today and, of course be patient...
Last night I was so bummed out after building this little comfy house for the pig and goat to be roommates...
keeping ducks separate overnight to avoid eggs getting crushed.
anyway thanks for the suggestion


Exploring the pasture
May 20, 2020
Reaction score
Hi there! I think I might be able to help you. I have many fact I breed Juliana mini pigs! They are not in with my goats, but my pot belly is. The pot was raised with two goats...but..I’ve had new goats put in with her...ohhh, what a time with introducing them! Do you have chickens? With pigs, and chickens..,you need to introduce, with look, no touch...this means,,,,you need a fence between the two...I know..,a pain, and costs money...but, once you take down the temporary fence, you’ll find it very useful around the farm! Ok, we paused looooing 2x4. And chicken wire...yes, the chicken wire worked fine, the pot didn’t try to eat through the wire. My Hampshire pig did! SOS, we made paneLas of the fencing. Then de drilled them together. We have a goat shed, where they all were using, and yes, we divided that too. What pain in the tookus. So...the pig could see the goats, vise versus. They got used to the smell, the senses, everything. Once after things settled...I mean...a long time....we slowly took down the partition...for a test run. The goats were still scared....yes, there are still times when my pot...who is a gentle silly gal, can be mean to the feed time....but, overall, I catch them spooning! I hope this helps...feel free to ask more questions....❤🐐🐷
Hey thanks again for the valid suggestions, works like a charm. Didn’t take long for them to lay together on either side of some snow fence and now they’re fine laying in some shade together. I wouldn’t say best buds yet but I find them close to one another lots and they are good for the night too👍


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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I’m glad it’s working out. So you know..,when it’s time for you to introduce another pig..use the fence thing again...but, still be prepared for som3’s their nature. We have a sow in with a boar now, some days they are great, yesterday, not so much. She had it with him, and she bit his ear pretty good! He bit her back. The squared off a few times, then it was over. They don’t have much steam....🤣🐷. But, it’s a good idea to watch them a lot when being introduced....good luck!


Herd Master
Oct 30, 2019
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I’m glad it’s working out. So you know..,when it’s time for you to introduce another pig..use the fence thing again...but, still be prepared for som3’s their nature. We have a sow in with a boar now, some days they are great, yesterday, not so much. She had it with him, and she bit his ear pretty good! He bit her back. The squared off a few times, then it was over. They don’t have much steam....🤣🐷. But, it’s a good idea to watch them a lot when being introduced....good luck!
Oh, when you put your goat and pig.. or pig and whoever together..,make sure you feed everyone separately! The pig will ge5 mad and make a bad gesture..,the pig won’t hur5 the other animals..if the pugs wan5 to...they could! It’s jus5 all show and warning...but the others will be terrified! So, we give feed on seperate sides of the pasture....


Overrun with beasties
Jan 15, 2020
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SoCal middle of desert
I think Duckfarmerpa1 gave great advice and I am so glad its working for everyone. I only want to add a bit of information in case it comes up in the future. Keeping pigs and goats and chickens together is fine for many people but if you ever get a case of coccidia in any of them youll have to treat everyone as coccidia can rip through a herd of pigs as fast as it does chickens and goats. I would only say be wary and be vigilant if coccidia ever rears its ugly head. By the way pigs LOVE fresh whole eggs so if you suddenly think your ducks or chickens aren’t laying, they really probably ARE but your pig is eating the eggs. I have one special chicken that lives with one particular sow- they’re buddies because the chicken lays an egg and the sow cleans it up for her. If I ever need to walk a pig across the farm I just say the pigs name and wave an egg in front of them !