I weighed my kids again today. At 8 days old they weigh, doe: 3.12 lbs and buck: 4.5 lbs. I am trying to get a home lined up for the buck. A lady I know has a friend she said might be interested in him for her petting zoo. Any ideas on what I should price him at? My goats are not registered.
Anna's ligaments were gone before bed last night and are still gone. Her udder is tight. So now I am just waiting. Hope she doesn't wait for the storms tomorrow.
Anna kidded during the early morning hours. I went out at 7 am and found a single doeling standing in a corner crying. She was partly cleaned off. I finished cleaning her and turned on the heat lamp until I left to take my grandmother to the hospital (mamogram). I dipped her navel after I weighed her. She was 3.3lbs. I also made sure she ate before I left. This was Anna's first time so I was surprised she cleaned it any. When her mother had her first one she wanted nothing to do with it. The new doeling looks just like her mother well except for her head right now. Some off the birthing fluid dried up on top of her head before I found her and it way it has the fur parted makes it look like she is making a mean face. There must have been a little trouble during the birth because her right eye has blood covering the bottom half of her eyeball. Her mother's female part was torn a bit as well. But all are ok and doing well.
I also have updated pics of Belle's 16 day olds
Zeus (Firstborn)