Livinwright Farm
Goat Fancier
This I know, which is why I said MAY have a hidden bad trait. The low price could just be because the guy doesn't care about them at all and just wants to get the amount he has occassionally spent on feed for them back. It sounds like the current owner is a jerk to them, which is horrible for those mini donkeys. They are like puppies that just want to love & be loved.elevan said:Low price and situation do not always equal bad stock.
It didn't appear from the photos that either of them had any hints of dwarfism... their structure & features look proportionate, and that is the biggest thing to worry about with mini donkeys... especially if you want to use them for pulling a cart or doing any kind of moderate to hard labor.You should do your homework on what the standards are for the breed / species, what to look for when you're purchasing.
Exactly.If they're not ideal for the breed then just don't breed them.