Misfitmorgan's - Babies 2020


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
Baby pigs have got to be the cutest babies on the farm! Pictures?

I will see about getting some tonight

X2 @Baymule post. We need pics of mini pigs.

@misfitmorgan I hope I didn’t offend you with my post. I’m truly curious at how they store their hay. Everyone I know stacks their square bales also! I’ve never known anyone to have issues that was properly dried.

Not at all, Boss didnt even offend me, they are simply incorrect but think they are correct. Combustion in hay comes from having your moisture to high when it is baled. I can't imagine how else one would store hay other then stacking it like normal unless it is loose hay and thats just a giant pile not bales.

Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
S Indiana
@Wehner Homestead - like has already been said, if you can't stack properly dried hay there are many millions of hay barns in the country that should be left empty. :)

We have two lofts full of stacked hay and straw square bales. We’ve never had an issue with them catching on fire and it’s been done this way my whole life. DH did have to bale some hay a little green once and he stacked it loosely on a hay wagon and put it in the steel shop to keep it from getting wet then spread out the bales once the storm passed. These bales never did make it to the loft. He was too nervous about them drying properly and ended up storing them in the shop and feeding them first. (Mold/mildew growing was another of his concerns and reasons for not keeping long-term.)


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I'm obviously not the most knowledgeable about this hay storage thing but yeah, stacking square bales seems to be the "normal" way. That is how Al (the guy I get my hay from) helped me stack my original 39 bales and the 20 I got last summer. And the horse camp my daughter went to for 10 years had many hundreds of bales stacked WAY high. He's been running this camp for something like 25 years, no hay barn fires to my knowledge.


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
Yearly we make between 2,000-6,000 small square bales and help stack 80% of it. All of it is stacked the same way no matter the barn unless it was baled to wet, then it is stacked loosely and salted and fed first, checked daily , etc. Normal quality properly dried hay is all stacked the same in pretty much all barns, wagons, auctions, etc.


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
Sorry no new pictures.

We got home last night, we were actually gone until dark. I got out of the truck and heard a goat kid crying bloody murder. It was of course the doe kid. She was down, empty tummy, wet and hypothermic. Of COURSE it would be the doe kid!!! :barnie:heWe milked out phoebe and got her a bottle, warmed her up some and went and checked on her after 15 minutes. No improvement and her mouth was ice cold inside, so in the house she came. She did make it thru the night after we had got some milk in her. This morning she is standing and walking but keeps falling over like she is doing a head stand and just standing like that until she falls over. We got her tummy full this morning before having to leave for work. She is adequately warmed and left in a cool room in the house.

DH seems to think she either was stepped on or roughed up by another goat. She was completely fine and running around playing with her brother Wednesday evening. While we were out there milking phoebe i watched the wether we have sh**roll the doelings brother for seemingly no reason. The wether has a date to leave on Sunday so hopefully the people actually show, if not DH will be getting rid of him his own way.

Phoebe definitely has enough milk for both kids, so thats not the problem. The little boy way sleeping with the little girl and he had a full tummy. Even so we milked a quart from phoebe and she still wasnt empty. The doeling did get colostrum for sure so that shouldnt be the problem. We can't seem to get a break on our full size doeling kids.:hit

The plan is to see if phoebe will take her back after work today, if she is doing better.:fl The doeling is doing the teeth grind so she is in some sort of pain but she is fighting so far. If phoebe won't take her back or she doesnt show enough improvement she will become a bottle baby full time.
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