Today is the appraisal. We went and made sure everything was on last night, mopped up the old water that was on the basement floor, and swept the garage. We also put a container under the drippy hot heater drain valve.
The realtor also let me know the well and septic inspection will be tomorrow, i didn't know we were getting one but the township requires it within 3 months before a sale.
I will be calling the bank today to see what they want the new closing to be, hopefully soon!
1 little, 2 little, 3 little Boxes....4 little, 5 little, 6 little Boxes...7 little, 8 little, 9 little......10 little Boxes, packed and ready to Go!! the tune of 10 little Indians.....
Hope the well and septic inspection go well. Wouldn't be surprised for someone to decide you need to pump the tank since probably no one knows when it was last done.
The inspection isnt based on fullness of the tank though if it is to full they will require it to be emptied for the actual inspection itself. As far as i know they make sure the well, septic, and drain field are where the county records indicate them to be, check that the septic has all covers and they fit well, then check to see if the top or sides of the septic are compromised(roots grown thru, collapsed, etc.).