If we ask God to help us with patience, often He gives us things to do just that. This experience may be one of those for you. Praying you come out on the other side with more patience (and a new home)
Geez. Do these people NOT understand that YOU can't move it any faster? You've already burned the bottom out of your track shoes!!!! Seems to me those that are causing the delay should pay the UNREASONABLE penalty.
Everything is back to the underwiter again to get it all in order to send to the title company. The house is bound and insured in my name as of about 15 minutes ago(effective 10/16).
The loan officer is pretty for sure we wont be able to sign closing papers until monday which means i have to pay for 2 days of penalty if the seller wants to push it, lets hope they dont because i dont have it. The $1,900 i had to come up with in the last week and a half that i didnt know i would need has wiped me out.
So now we wait on the title company as far as i understand things.
It sounds really Good.....if they push that issue, I would offer a post dated check.....but, if they have held this property for a while, I doubt that a couple of days will be an issue. Really pulling for ya....and if ya need sock $$ to make it happen just PM me your address....
Hope it's smooth sailing from here on. Keep in mind, diligence by a title company is in your good interest most of the time and the better they are at their jobs, the better off you will be. Title is the one part you do want a very hard scrutiny done.
In our area there are title search people sitting at the deed record offices waiting for calls from their title companies! It's generally pretty quick. Almost all paperwork is preset in computers to enter a few facts and print. It CAN literally be done and ready within a day. How many people are also waiting and their position in line is the issue, most often.