It’s good to hear that your moms surgery went ok. Hopefully she can beat this.
That sucks about your husband rolling the truck. At least he wasn’t hurt. Trucks can be replaced. It probably doesn’t help his feelings any, men do love their trucks! Heck, I love our truck! LOL
The truck is still plenty driveable, just cosmetically and cab sealing will be a problem. I told him dont plan on driving in the rain. I will see if i can get a picture when i get home, depends how much snow is on it. DH is mad at himself for rolling 35-40mph He wasnt hurt seriously, sore ribs, sore thumb, sore head....nothing broken on him or even sprained that we know of.
Glad to hear DH is none the worse for wear from the truck roll. When I went offroading, it started at ~60 MPH on black ice and I was VERY lucky that it didn't roll. I hit the ditch at damn near a 90° angle to the road edge. There was enough ice/snow that I was able to straighten it out as I went over the edge. Cosmetics can be fixed. Glad to hear you'r mom is in good spirits. Hope it all works out.
Ditto on hoping things will get better for your mom after the surgery.
Believe me, there is no way to say sorry enough about the truck even if it wasn't damaged too bad. Just one more inconvienence but glad that he wasn't hurt bad just some banged up.
I saw where there was a major snowfall headed to the north and northeast....we only have gotten a few flurries but now say that we might get some significant snowfall this coming Sunday into Monday????? It's turned cold here, compared to 2 weeks ago. 20's to 40's with clouds and windy. I kept trying to tell people that we weren't done with winter as much as I was PRAYING I was wrong..... Guess we will see what happens this weekend. I intend to haul a another load of 5 gal buckets of feed to the barn to have some extra on hand from the bulk feed bin. And guess I will have to go buy another load of shavings for the calves in the barn.....
I’d almost prefer drifts to 50s one day, snowing and below freezing the next. The memes on fb for IN weather are cracking me up but 100% accurate too. We’ve even had thunder snow and tornado warnings in Jan!
I wish it would just stay spring already and no more white stuff.
Nothing new really. All Livestock is doing well. I have strep throat..yay me
I've figured out the math and to fence off our place the way we want....for fencing it is going to cost over 7k...and i havnt figured in a couple fencers and hot wire/clips yet. That will give us 4 - approx 1acre pastures, a perimeter fence, approx 1/2 acre for ducks/geese, 1.5 acres for the backyard, orchard, garden, etc.
Plus a lane to load/unload and a place to corral sheep to shear.....and never having to reverse with a trailer.