Misfitmorgan's Journal - That Summer Dust


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
We've been here 3 1/2 years. It takes awhile to get things done. You will get it all done the way you want it, a little at a time. Every fence post set is a victory. Every nail, screw or fence staple is a victory. No matter how big or small the amount that you got done, each one is more than you had done before you got started that day.


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
I love pics MFM, but to be honest? I'd much prefer your presence here, even without them. It's good to see you back. :)

Thank you

We've been here 3 1/2 years. It takes awhile to get things done. You will get it all done the way you want it, a little at a time. Every fence post set is a victory. Every nail, screw or fence staple is a victory. No matter how big or small the amount that you got done, each one is more than you had done before you got started that day.

We do celebrate the small things and things we get done like the gate for the pig stall. We are extremely proud of the gate lol. I am also proud of the duck house...i need to finish the run for them though so i can move them.

I have not even started canning. Tuesday i had to go supervise a visit, which i wasnt suppose to need too and then yesterday there was an event i had to take the kid to which wasnt planned and it was an hour drive there and back after work. So my last two days have went,,,home at 4pm, chores, let out/feed dogs/let out.....tie out other persons dogs who we are watching for 2 weeks but can't be with our dogs/feed.....leave at 5pm.....tuesday was home at 9pm, wednesday was home at 8pm :barnie So hopefully i can get that going today before the produce is gone. Also need to restock the farm stand.


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
I've been off reading journals :hide

Not a lot new here.

I got my travel pay so this weekend we are putting up some fencing!! It's not the permanent fence we want but it will be more secure then the net for winter. We are getting 1 roll of field fence and some more t-posts and putting the fence up with that plus electric wire clips to keep them off the fence. We may try to do the corner bracing with all t-posts as it worked in our chicken run at the old farm but that was not under much tension. Failing that idea we will sadly and regrettably put in a few wood posts for the corners. We also have making a gate on the agenda...a gate can you imagine such a thing?

We have never had a gate into our pastures from the outside..ever. We always had to step over(electric net) or go thru the barn. DH might try to cheap out and use a short peice of cattle panel as the gate...i hope not.

In other news our two new little does are finally coming home tomorrow along with their buckling brother who is getting wethered to be Big Boys buddy when it isnt breeding season....then eaten later DH says:hide

I still have to finish the duck house, it has been raining here almost constantly except one nice day that was in the high 70s but i had to do kid stuff that day. Was raining again this am on my way to work, no rain since i got here but it is still mostly overcast and grey. Today the high is 47F and realfeel is 31F :hit


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Gates are "magical" things! Once you have some, you'll never go back! ;) Glad you're finally able to get started on some fencing. Might want to really consider the wood posts as you're talking a much larger fence area than a chicken run this time around. You'd hate to have to do it over and top that off with the fence then being too short to wrap & tie off around the wood posts if/when you replace the T-post corners. :hide


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
Gates are "magical" things! Once you have some, you'll never go back! ;) Glad you're finally able to get started on some fencing. Might want to really consider the wood posts as you're talking a much larger fence area than a chicken run this time around. You'd hate to have to do it over and top that off with the fence then being too short to wrap & tie off around the wood posts if/when you replace the T-post corners. :hide

it is not ment to be a permanent fence...it is literally our back yard. It is just where we have been keeping them under we can get some of the other 10 acres cleaned. Dozer needs more work/money then was thought. It runs but has no hp to push anything. So after land gets cleared new permanent fence will be put up and the temp fence will be taken down and re-fenced on the cleared land. Hence why i am not wanting to put in wood posts :idunno


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Just have to get things done as ya can and are able to....you and DH have proven to be very capable people and now on your own property without the BS of those idiots ya left behind, I'm sure that y'all will get it done when ya can...I know the winter weather isn't kind up that way, but if ya need post holes....best to dig them before the ground freezes....:)


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
Just have to get things done as ya can and are able to....you and DH have proven to be very capable people and now on your own property without the BS of those idiots ya left behind, I'm sure that y'all will get it done when ya can...I know the winter weather isn't kind up that way, but if ya need post holes....best to dig them before the ground freezes....:)

Thankfully the ground up here won't freeze for at least another month and we are mostly sand at our place so winter digging isnt bad. It now says it is suppose to rain tomorrow morning, someone must have heard my plans and reported me.:lol: