Misfitmorgan's Journal - That Summer Dust


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
Landrace have an extra set of ribs? Weird, I had never heard that. They use Yorkshires commercially too right?

My pigs are the least bothered by the snow of all my animals. They've been out rooting all day. I think with 3 of them they should stay warm. They're like little heaters!

Pigs have 16 ribs landrace can have 16 or 17 depending on the lines your breeding. Yep yorks are used commercially too, i forgot about them....most commercial pork farms use landrace at least in Iowa and Iowa produces around 40% of all US pork, Nc has the other 40%.


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
We had a good holiday here and I hope everyone else's went well! DH and i both had a 4 day weekend so we were really looking forward to getting a lot of stuff done in the barn:clap....and then. DH turned up with tonsillitis wednesday night:\, so i got him on some anitbotics. We stoked up the fire and put the dogs up and headed to my mom's house wedneday night.

I got up thursday morning and got turkey day dinner going:drool...DH slept for many many hours which leads me the believe he felt worse then he was letting on. After turkey day dinner i went with my brother and SIL to walmart and dunham's sporting goods for black friday sales...DH stayed at my mom's because he hates shopping and didnt wanna go. I picked up a new laptop for $249 which so far is really nice and i love and my first touch screen pc which is cool. I also bought DH and myself new cell phones, we got the samsung galaxy luna phones but they only had one case for that phone left so i didnt activate mine yet. DH really needed a new phone though his wasnt working right anymore. I also bought DH a lead sled for a early christmas gift at the sporting goods store. I got back to my mom's and DH decided it was time to go so we left and he wanted to go back to the sporting goods place because i told him they had a bunch of ammo on sale. He picked up some .22 long ammo and a very not cheap box of .44X40 ammo, though he did say it was $40 less then the last box he had bought.

We got home thrusday night around midnight. Got chores done and were shocked there was a really nice bed of coals in the woodstove still.:thumbsup Got up friday morning and DH had a stuffed up ear and puss draining from his tear duct on one side.:th I gave him hot compresses for both and it helped a lot within about 4hrs. We went and did chores and got some of the very over-due barn cleaning done.

Then my brother called and invited us up to his house to spend the night and go hunting saturday, DH REALLLLY wanted to go.:barnie We stoked up the fire again and put the dogs up and headed to my brothers at about 8:30pm. Went out hunting Saturday morning and evening but we didnt see any deer where we could actually shoot them...so no venison for our freezer yet.:he DH spent 90% of all of saturday when were were not out hunting...sleeping and he forgot to take his antibotics along.:smack Got home from my brothers at 1am Sunday morning. Did chores, let dogs out etc etc.

I got up Sunday morning to.....tonsillitis :rantafter i kept telling DH not to kiss me because i didnt want it and he kept saying you will be fine. So i had plans to clean more of the barn sunday but our friend Kevin came over and needed DH to help him catch a dozen geese at someone elses house..so DH took off to help with that and i...kinda....feel asleep...for 3.5hrs :hide
DH got home at 4pm and went to sit and hope deer showed up:fl....no luck. I cleaned up the house and made him some dinner, did laundry, and basically felt like poo.:sick I was also angry mostly at myself that hardly anything got done in the barn.

Also the cobalt arrived on saturday and wow are those things HUGE!! i have to pick up a larger balling gun from TSC today or tomorrow. I was expecting them to be the size of the adult copper bolus' boy was i wrong. So my plan is to give it to one poorly looking goat and see if she looks better in 10 days or not....if she does the whole herd is getting it.

NH homesteader

Herd Master
Jul 9, 2016
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Hope you get better soon! My husband and I avoid each other when one of us is sick haha. I guess I prefer a lack of affection to being very sick!

My daughter has a terrible cold. Which means I'll be next!


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
Hope you get better soon! My husband and I avoid each other when one of us is sick haha. I guess I prefer a lack of affection to being very sick!

My daughter has a terrible cold. Which means I'll be next!

DH has gotten sick twice this fall/winter so far and both times i had it 2-3 days later :duc<---i should get this for DH:gig


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
Sorry about getting sick, rotten time of year for that. I hope you get better quickly.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Silly man of yours... putting his desires above what's best for you... I suggest eating mass quantities of garlic, maybe with some raw onion as a chaser ;) Hope you get over it quickly. Maybe you should make him do all your chores in return for him making you sick. I mean you need your rest, right? :lol: Hope you recover too NH :D


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
Silly man of yours... putting his desires above what's best for you... I suggest eating mass quantities of garlic, maybe with some raw onion as a chaser ;) Hope you get over it quickly. Maybe you should make him do all your chores in return for him making you sick. I mean you need your rest, right? :lol: Hope you recover too NH :D

He wouldnt give to figs about onions and garlic lol...he loves them! I'm mostly better now. You dont get off chores for being sick lol, would be nice if we did. I tried telling the livestock we were both sick and they would need to get their own hay out of the loft and their own grain in a responsible fashion but they just gave me the what are you talking about crazy human look.

Things have been busy here per usual. DH spent yesterday after work changing a wheel bearing on the trailblazer. I finally got a balling gun for the cobalt on Monday but didnt get DH's help to dose a goat until late last night so White May got a dose of cobalt since she looked the worse. If it works i dont know how to give it to the young does...they only weigh maybe 45lbs at most and the cobalt says 50lbs or more to dose. They should be weighing a lot more by now, the new buck is much bigger then them but the same age..but still not the size he should be. He weighs enough to be dosed.

Still need to finish cleaning the barn and get the changes i wanna make done. We need to build two more permanent stall faces and then we will have the north wall of the barn stalls done and the south side to do still. We also need to build a wall in the barn to mount the hay feeders and grain feeders, as well as make a gate for the wall. I will see if i can draw something up to show you all what i mean.

I think winter finally arrived....yay.....NOT! No snow accumulation yet thankfully.