Misfitmorgan's Journal - That Summer Dust


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I'm pretty depressed about really everything atm. I want to get things done but I also don't feel like doing anything.
Understandable and I don't know if it is common but I was just like that when my mother died 16 years ago. Get up, go to work, come home was about all I could muster for some time.



Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
I know that feeling very well myself....and it is a part of the grieving process.....:hugs.....as far as the garden is concerned...there are a few ideas that may help ya....many beans and peas come in running or pole varieties....depending how ya eat them...ya can use Tposts and clip fencing to them, or use nylon cord, or even baling twine....plant as many rows as ya need....row planting is pretty easy and they will run up the fence and cover it....there will be plenty there ya can pick to eat/can/freeze.....and if ya don't feel up to messing with them ya can let them dry on the vine and then pick and shell them for dry storage.....if ya use CPs then ya can cut the vines at the ground and let the animals clean the fence, or turn them in to harvest the vines for ya.....hope ya fair well with the weather that seems like "Groundhog Day" for many in this nation.....allow yourself time to heal....and taking it easier, just a bit, may give ya "time" to focus and enjoy watching your animals....they will sure put a Smile on your face and and "massage" the heart.....:)


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
Understandable and I don't know if it is common but I was just like that when my mother died 16 years ago. Get up, go to work, come home was about all I could muster for some time.


I think it is pretty normal.

I know that feeling very well myself....and it is a part of the grieving process.....:hugs.....as far as the garden is concerned...there are a few ideas that may help ya....many beans and peas come in running or pole varieties....depending how ya eat them...ya can use Tposts and clip fencing to them, or use nylon cord, or even baling twine....plant as many rows as ya need....row planting is pretty easy and they will run up the fence and cover it....there will be plenty there ya can pick to eat/can/freeze.....and if ya don't feel up to messing with them ya can let them dry on the vine and then pick and shell them for dry storage.....if ya use CPs then ya can cut the vines at the ground and let the animals clean the fence, or turn them in to harvest the vines for ya.....hope ya fair well with the weather that seems like "Groundhog Day" for many in this nation.....allow yourself time to heal....and taking it easier, just a bit, may give ya "time" to focus and enjoy watching your animals....they will sure put a Smile on your face and and "massage" the heart.....:)

We might put a few things in but if it doesn't stop raining boy will they be late. Already late on the cold hardy things. Our frost free is June 1st, so wet atm there is standing water in the garden....and it's currently raining.

In other news, We got the livestock moved. Adult sheep and goats went into the drylot....Ivy jumped the fence in about 60 seconds. So Ivy went back to live on the main floor of the barn for the moment. Big Boy was getting picked on by the rams and the little buc all at once so we took him back out and he went to the main floor :he

The lambs all went into one pen and the goat kids/juvies into the other pen. The ducks came out of the CP pen(quarter circle one) and moved to thr main floor. That CP pen got cleaned and 308 along with her ram lamb are moved into there.

Sarah's babies look to be doing well, all 7 are happy and fat little porkers. We can also confirm that new feed is much better. Sarah has with every previous litter turned into a walking skeleton basically while nursing and then taken months to gain any reasonable amount of weight back. This time she was thin going into farrowing, she has seen gained weight and filled out while nursing. Sarah and her 7 babies are currently getting 5lbs shell corn and 6lbs Pig & Sow, all doing well on it.

We need to move ducks, geese and chickens out of the barn though. Sarah killed one of our white leghorns, so no more chickens in there. We will wait until dark tonight and see about catching them...should be fun since they sleep in the rafters. I'm going to try to design a poultry house but who knows when it will be built.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
You can throw up a cow panel hoop coop fairly fast. Put it on treated 4x4's and you can skid it where you want it.


Have you considered soaking the corn in water and letting it sour for a few days? It makes it easier to digest. I finish my feeder pigs on sour corn.


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
You can throw up a cow panel hoop coop fairly fast. Put it on treated 4x4's and you can skid it where you want it.


Have you considered soaking the corn in water and letting it sour for a few days? It makes it easier to digest. I finish my feeder pigs on sour corn.

We only have 1.5 CP atm and both are being used, and zero treated lumber. We do have pallets and scrap lumber so that is going to have to do. No money to buy CP, treated wood or wire etc atm. The week off of work really hurt the pocket book. Secondary problem is that would only work as housing until winter came then we would be out of poultry housing again. People do use those type of poultry hoop houses here to raise turkeys and meat chickens/ducks, so i have seen them.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I haven't been on much and am just getting caught up on a few threads. My condolences on your mom. I am having some serious issues with my elderly parents and they are all the way up in NH so not an easy situation to deal with. Not cancer, but dementia/alzheimers as well as my mom becoming totally unable to walk and now can't seem to talk. Even at this distance, it is very trying and difficult. My sympathies.
Our cattle went through one of the worst years for pregnancies/ rather lack of....... and we lost several cows over the winter to the constant wet/rain/chilly conditions. We don't get the cold that you do, but being wet and, cold rain at 35* is harder on them than just plain cold. We just keep saying it will be better this year.


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
Been Awhile, Figured I should give you all an update.

We still have our foster daughter, she is doing good.

DH sheared all of the adult sheep about a week ago. Since we really looked at things and planned out that even if we get fence up this year realistically there won't be much to eat in the pasture until we can plant grasses and get them established. So to this end.....remember the guy who gave us the mutt sheep? Yeah he has about 5 acres of pasture and didn't want to have to mow it. So all of our sheep and goats are at his house now on lots of pasture. It cuts down our work load, gets his pasture mowed and is healthier for the herd.

When DH sheared he found 3 sheep very very very thin, one of them being captain our smaller ram. So the entire herd was wormed before being put out to pasture, hopefully they put on weight quickly. The other two sheep were 294 and 308, 308 had a lamb but she was alone in her own stall with her lamb in the barn so no shortage of food. 294 we always have problems with.

We still need to make some outdoor loose mineral feeders but otherwise the herd seems pretty happy. They have been laying around a lot though because summer came in with a bang with 3 days in a row in the 80s and about 3 million percent humidity.

Meanwhile Sara had her piglets, they are all doing well and healthy little fatties. She was back to being her excellent mom self.

Spot pig was butchered. She had an anal prolapse from eating large amounts of the wood chips/sawdust we use for bedding in the warm months. She was the only pig who seemed to have that issue. She got mineral oil and an enema twice, but it just got worse so after a few days without improvement we decided to put her down. She didnt seem in pain at all but thats not really a thing they fully recover from when they are 500+lb breeding Sows.

Mrs. Pig went with the sheep/goats to the guys house....he is keeping her :clap:weee

So at home atm all we have are pigs, ducks, chickens, and 2 geese. DH did go pick up about 34 of the sorriest looking 2yr old layers.....then our dogs though it was fun to play chance the chickens so most of the already rough looking birds now have no tail feathers :(

The farm is a lot more quiet but its better for the herd...including the humans for now. The friends house is also on the way home from work so i can stop whenever i like and see them. DH stops daily so far.

In other news...DH brought home a new dog about a month ago. I'm still not happy about it. I would have said not way and sent him straight back but DH only took the dog because the people had 4 dogs and said they couldnt afford to feed them all. This dog is only 8 months old and weighed maybe 25lbs...pitbull or boxer mix so very undersize and an intact male. So far The dogs all get along.....I'm still not happy about having a "puppy" right now though :somad I just don't have the patience for it.

I think thats it for now.:hugs


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
Oh also I started ripping the paneling off the walls in the hallway/front living room. There is finished drywall under it, same under the ceiling tiles. Need some repair and i need to sand the paneling glue off..but it should be fine once patched and painted and 1 million times better then the paneling.

Also side note....what is up with Arkansas? I time to time look at houses and prices of places in other parts of the country i might move to some day. Why are there trailers on 20-30acres listed for sale for $120K++ I do not understand this. Other places have a small stick built house thats need remodeling on like 40 acres....asking 115K bu the tax assessment is only $14,000. Why are the prices so crazy?