Misfitmorgan's Journal - That Summer Dust


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
This is reminding me of when we bought our place. It was a HUD repo, the purchase/finance process was one of the worst experiences of my life. It was AWFUL. Vandals broke in the house, stripped copper wire from under the house, stole the inside furnace, the outside AC unit, ripped out the breaker box and copper wiring-to the tune of $10,000 in damages. You know what HUD knocked off the purchase price? A big, fat, gi-normous ONE THOUSAND FREAKIN' DOLLARS! :he

I had a thread on TEG about all my mis-adventures, here's a couple of posts that might give you a laugh. Also know that no matter how horrible this is, don't quit, don't give up. You WILL get through this and the house will be YOURS.

From August 23, 2014;

Just for your amusement, I got an email from the lender last week wanting to know what were the taxes and insurance on our current home, and wanted the tax statement and insurance policy. And what did we plan on doing with our current house. I was immediately incensed and drafted a return email. I read it to DH and he cautioned me not to send it. For once, I agreed with him. Here it is.

This is in reference to a request by Blankety-Blank Loan asking what we intend to do with the home we currently reside in.
1. This home is paid for.
2. This home is fully insured.
3. This home’s taxes are paid and up to date.
4. We might sell it.
5. We might rent it.
6. It’s ours.
8. What we do or do not do with the home we currently live in has nothing to do with the loan we are applying for.
9. Many people have multiple properties, what difference does it make?
10. Whether we sell it, rent it, or take a wrecking ball to it, it is ours, it is private property and we will do with it whatever we d**n well please.
I hope this answers your intrusive question.

I slept on it overnight and sent an email back politely asking why they needed such information. She responded that taxes and insurance were considered a liability that we had to pay and that we claimed it as our primary residence, once we closed, our new house would be our primary residence and law only allows one primary residence. OK, I guess that makes sense and I sent her a much nicer answer to the first email asking for the information. Here's the nicer version.

To Whom It May Concern,

This is in reference to the request by Blankety-Blank Loan asking what we intend to do with the home we currently reside in.
This home is paid for, taxes and insurance is paid and up to date. Until we are absolutely sure and certain that the home at ##### County Road #### Smalltown Texas is 1000% ours, signed, sealed, recorded, done deal, there is no way we will put our current residence up for sale. The possibility of us selling our current home and this deal blowing up to the moon would leave us homeless and that’s not happening. All our stuff won’t fit in a shopping cart.
After this loan is finalized and closed and we know the new home is ours, then we will put our current home up for sale.

Plus I faxed the last tax statement and insurance papers. Gheesh. :barnie

Keep my eye on the prize, keep my eye on the prize, keep my eye on the prize.....

From September 6, 2014

Well, the last day of the extension is Monday, Sept 8. And would ya'll believe we had to file yet ANOTHER extension??? There goes another $375, plus $20 to overnight it. So we have spent $1200 in extensions now. The appraiser we were waiting on took over a week to file his report while I watched sand running out of the hour glass.......time is going by......until it got to the point of being out of compliance to submit to HUD, which was on Thursday, the 4th. The real estate agent requested a report showing where the loan was at, paper wise, on Thursday morning so she could include it in her letter to HUD and it took all day for the lender to get that to her. Ummmm......do ya'll not understand overnight needs a little lead time? Once the post office closes, overnight doesn't mean much? :barnieThey got the report she needed at the last possible moment for her to overnight it. I have gone beyond nail biting and am now chewing fingers....up to the knuckles now....


I think I started this thread out about everything going wrong..... We had the AC break down, DH's truck broke down, a tire blew on my moms car that necessitated buying a whole set, we spent thousands at a time when the last thing we need to do is spend money. We held our breath, hoping nothing else would go wrong.

Ha! A chunk was missing out of a tire on DH's truck, they were slick and Thursday, to the tire store I went. Only $1107.81!!!! :th Will it ever stop??? Uhhhh.......NOPE! Somebody slammed on their brakes yesterday right in front of DH and he hit them. No damage to his truck, it poked a hole in their plastic bumper. Low impact, nobody hurt but you can't fix these crappy bumpers, so I am sure it will have to be replaced. Oh well, that's what insurance is for. :idunno

We have had more go wrong in the past three months than in the past THREE YEARS!!! o_O Gheesh. When it rains, it pours, but this is ridiculous.

I guess the good news is, the paperwork has been submitted to underwriting. I think underwriting is a code word for torture. I am certain there will be more demands for more unreasonable confessions to crimes we never committed. :tongue

The new end-of-extension-date is September 23. :fl And this is the absolute last, final, no-more, it's over now extension. :fl

From September 9, 2014

Lender called me today. The contractor bid to replace the breaker box, wire under the house, kitchen plumbing, AC unit and heating unit was too high. It seems HUD has different tiers of repair costs. The tier we are in is for $5 thousand or less, which is where we were before thieves ripped off the AC unit and heating unit. To write a contract for the true repair costs would put us in another "program" which basically means a whole different set of paperwork and more forms and more approvals and more pints of blood and more baby goats to sacrifice to the Great HUD Foreclosure God on the Alter of Stupidity.

She asked for the contractor to resubmit his bid with a very vague description and told me the price that would be ok by HUD. Whatever goes between us and the contractor, keep it to ourselves. OOO-KAY! I can do that! Gheesh.

I feel all warm and fuzzy knowing the high level of efficiency our gooberment offices operate at. I am especially delighted with the heaps of abuse, give a crap attitude toward the peons who "bother" them, the stifling rules and regulations that make sense maybe to a dead road-kill raccoon infested with maggots and it absolutely warms my little heart that our tax dollars and money borrowed from China goes to pay the salaries of incompetent, disinterested employees who are entitled to waste our time, cost us money and treat us like vermin to be stomped on. :love

From September 19, 2014

Got closing papers last night. Went to bank this morning for cashiers check. Checked email when I got home and there was a new set of closing papers. Naturally, the newer, improved, HUD approved, shinier, prettier, smellier papers had a different amount for Cash From Buyers, Line 303. :he It seems the wrong set of papers got sent to start with, followed by the corrected set of papers this morning. Back to the bank, got cashiers check for the difference...... yes it was more. :barnie

Well, would ya'll believe that I got yet a THIRD set of settlement papers?? And of course the amount was about $140 MORE? Of course you would, this whole thing has been a nightmare in a circus of vampire clowns pushing wheelbarrows loaded with grimacing goons masquerading as gooberment employees and loan officers whose night jobs are stand up comics.

In sheer frustration I sent the following to the title company,

Today at 3:02 PM
ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME???? (beating head on wall) Just got back from the (*&&%$%$#%^^ bank AGAIN! I QUIT!!! I will pay the difference in cash. I'm throwing my computer in the dog's water tub and setting fire to my cell phone. See you Tuesday with TWO cashiers checks and a bucket of pennies.

From September 23, 2014

(as long as we make the payments)



Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
Can't buy a gun in CA and walk out with it, I thought that was true everywhere now.

Does he have a boss? This is most insane thing I have ever heard. The money would still be unaccounted for CD or not. But it isn't unaccounted for in the first place, you sold something you owned. Lunacy is in full swing.

This guy is not new "Senior Mortgage Lender" is his title.

:hugs wow. I hope you get it all figured out.
Me too!

Unless it was dirty and stunk of cologne and she had to wash it before the back would convert it to a bank check ;) Funny, THEY didn't seem to have a problem with the source of the funds!!

"Funds from the sale of cattle/hay is a new one for me, but we will get through it!"
Key right there, the dude doesn't know how to deal with anything but the "usual". If it isn't already in the bank or a biweekly paycheck, he is lost. How new is he?

Your friends can gift money to your "family, a spouse, or a fiance", they aren't on the loan!! Then they can gift it to you. And you can gift it back to them the day after you close. What goes around comes around :D

I think you best make that lease payment on Saturday! Last thing you need is to be in arrears on it. MIGHT even bring down the prepayment penalty just a wee bit?? This is your second to last payment? And the mortgage bank is forcing you to pay it off ~15 days early and thereby incur a prepayment penalty? Can we all come to Michigan and slap some sense into those bankers? Please??????

I understand the strain and you and DH getting cranky with each other. End each conversation with "I love you, this stress is making me crazy". You both know it but HEARING it goes a long way.

:hugs for both of you! Only 18 more days of this when you wake up in the morning :)

He is not new he is one of the older loan agents, i believe 12yrs of experience in home loans. The biggest problem is they are not an Ag bank so to have money coming from an Ag source apparently broke their brains.

My friends can not gift money to my family for them to gift to me lol. As i said the person giving me the gift must show a bank statement and it must show that they had the funds to gift already in their account for at least the past two statements.

I plan on paying the lease on Saturday. I'm only using the money from the hay sale to do that and i gave him the market report that clearly shows 2nd cut hay at $4-4.75/bale for the past 3 weeks. I already told him we sold 400 bales at $4/bale and the market report supports it's "value". Don't slap him yet, he is honestly trying to make sure i have everything in order so the underwriter doesnt question anything, so i can go the fast route and close on time.

So the evil, conniving banker wants PROOF of the value of hay and pigs? And he wants the equivalent of a Kelly Blue Book? I just had a brain fart. Go to Craigs list for your area and find comparable hay and pigs and print them out. Go to all the areas around you and print out everything you can find. Heck, even go to neighboring states and drown the (*&$%^&^ in paper!
He's not evil Bay lol. I asked him about using craigslist, have yet to have a response.


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
I work for a bank and I can tell you all of the hoops are because of 6 letters
Bank secrecy act
Anti money laundering
Really beefed up after 911
It's the Fed and the FDIC
My company is currently working our way out of a cease and desist order from the Fed and FDIC because of a loan we didn't even make

You should have seen the hoops I had to jump through with my own company to open a bank account to deposit the checks for my 35th class reunion
Don't lose your patience and just keep
Working through what they want as best you can

I get all the "rules" and hoops but honestly how do they expect me to get a value on livestock and hay other then a market report and what other people have for sale/sold? I mean there is no KBB for hay or livestock or tractors or grains....there are futures and estimates and projections and what the mill is paying but thats it.

This is reminding me of when we bought our place. It was a HUD repo, the purchase/finance process was one of the worst experiences of my life. It was AWFUL.

I did go and read that entire thread of yours on TEG awhile back Bay...it was a nightmare for sure!

The only time I have ever bought a HiUD foreclosure I paid cash
All I had to have was a letter from my bank that I had the cash

Thankfully this is a Fredie Mac foreclosure and not a HUD.

In other news. He send the documents for the money to the processing department who will send it to the underwriter if they think it is ok. The underwriter already has the rest of my loan documents. Cross your everythings everyone!!


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
Also I was going to mention. If you have had as much rain as we have start buying 2016 hay. We are going to have a hay shortage here and 90% of the hay that does make it off the field is gonna be very very overripe. I know Wisconsin is in the same boat and several other places....to wet to make hay.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I hope this happens soon, I can't move with everything crossed! Toes, fingers, arms, legs. I'd cross my ears if I could! ;)

If they take Craig's List ads for the value of hay and livestock they are nuttier than we all think! People ask more than they think they can get and settle for less if they don't. But the Craig's List ad doesn't show "sold for $xx). It is worth (to the buyer) what you were paid for it! I know, been said 10 times already.

Yep, lots of rain here as well. Al hasn't cut any of his fields yet though some guys have cut, tedded and plastic covered baled the next day. Really small windows. Al doesn't plastic, he has a huge barn and stores it all inside. Can't be having wet hay in there composting away.


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
Thanks Bruce!

Yep craigslist is a problem to use but I dont know what else to give them. Atm the market report says pigs are selling for at best price $67 per 100lbs which is not accurate to the "real" world pricing of selling quality bred animals off of the farm. The auction pigs are culls, slow growers, infertile, poor health, over/under butcher weight, etc. I also sold one of the pigs for butcher and she was $2/lb and weighed approx 300lbs which again is a lot higher then the auction pigs.

Here normally first cut has already been taken and 2nd cut is taken in July at least 90% of the fields have yet to be cut. The first cut that comes off those fields will be very low in nutrition and very thick tough hay so livestock is gonna pick thru it a lot more. We currently have approximately 1800 bales left from last year that we will be holding onto most of for this years hay since our first cut will be lower quality we will be round baling it and we may not get a second cut. We are forecasting needing approximately double the hay we used last year because of the lower quality of this hay.

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