Month and a half lamb appetite dwindling


Overrun with beasties
Jul 3, 2023
Reaction score
Maybe you all can point me in the right direction. I have a month and a half old lamb whose appetite has really dwindled this last week. He is on pasture that we rotate every other day and he's been getting about 64 oz of milk from a bottle each day. I wouldn't normally be worried because I would assume he's starting to transition to grass but he's looking hollow and not filled out like his twin brother.
The last several feedings when I've offered him milk he really lacks enthusiasm and has been leaving about 6 oz. It's really strange. (I'm doing a 16 oz bottle 4x per day)
He doesn't have anything wrong with his mouth or teeth from what I can see.
He doesn't act sick. His energy seems pretty normal when I'm out in the field and he's not isolating himself. He doesn't have a runny nose, diarrhea, or anything obvious like that.
Could this be a parasite issue?


Herd Master
Nov 23, 2012
Reaction score
Southwest Virginia
Absolutely could be parasites or a subclinical respiratory infection or something else. If it were mine, I would take his temp and if it's above 102, get him stabilized with a broad spectrum antibiotic (think oxytetracycline). Then do a fecal test and FAMACHA to check for parasites, and deworm appropriately if needed. Watch out for coccidiosis without diarrhea as well, it is rare but possible and much more common in bottle raised lambs. Once he is stabilized, I would wean as soon as possible as after 6 weeks you are risking clostridium and other issues by continuing to feed milk/milk replacer. Is he properly vaccinated for CDT?


Overrun with beasties
Jul 3, 2023
Reaction score
Absolutely could be parasites or a subclinical respiratory infection or something else. If it were mine, I would take his temp and if it's above 102, get him stabilized with a broad spectrum antibiotic (think oxytetracycline). Then do a fecal test and FAMACHA to check for parasites, and deworm appropriately if needed. Watch out for coccidiosis without diarrhea as well, it is rare but possible and much more common in bottle raised lambs. Once he is stabilized, I would wean as soon as possible as after 6 weeks you are risking clostridium and other issues by continuing to feed milk/milk replacer. Is he properly vaccinated for CDT?
Thank you for the reply. He is doing fine... I may have overreacted and he was just full eating grass because he still doesn't want to finish his milk but now is looking filled out.
At this point he is down to one 16 oz milk per day and is otherwise on pasture.
He is clear for worms, had a normal temp, etc.
I don't vaccinate any of the animals I grow out for meat.