Chillin' with the herd
I got this boer goat on june 3 and she was with a billy them the man said she was preg. she has gotten bigger an on 9-5 she has a clear discharge and I was not sure if it was in heat are a part of preg. my billy is snuffing her now but she will not let him near her.Today she looks like she lost a lot of the weight in her backend I felt of her tail bone shes fills realy soft the other goat is hard .
my ?? is will a billy snuff her if she is preg. like dogs they give off the smell a few day before giving birth????
Sorry it is my first time and I have no idea if she is are not for sure but she was getting bigger now she looks like she lost 10 pds just in the hip area.I want to put her in a pin buy herself if it is getting close but not sure.
my ?? is will a billy snuff her if she is preg. like dogs they give off the smell a few day before giving birth????
Sorry it is my first time and I have no idea if she is are not for sure but she was getting bigger now she looks like she lost 10 pds just in the hip area.I want to put her in a pin buy herself if it is getting close but not sure.