Ms. Research

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The Farm Zookeeper
Mar 12, 2011
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Ms. Research said:
Here's our Early Thanksgiving Visitor

Thought Jake and I ran this fellow off a while ago. But here he/she shows up yesterday morning. And what has he found? The bird feeder and is happily squatting.

Hope he/she leaves soon because what he/she is leaving, our dog Jake is rolling in it to mark. :sick
Looks like a Jenny or hen. She heard about the new bunnies in town and wanted to meet them.

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
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77Herford said:
Ms. Research said:
Here's our Early Thanksgiving Visitor

Thought Jake and I ran this fellow off a while ago. But here he/she shows up yesterday morning. And what has he found? The bird feeder and is happily squatting.

Hope he/she leaves soon because what he/she is leaving, our dog Jake is rolling in it to mark. :sick
Looks like a Jenny or hen. She heard about the new bunnies in town and wanted to meet them.
I think this Jenny has her holidays mixed up. Must have thought she was Santa Claus because DH found her on the roof. DH sent this Jenny a message via his Air Gun. Haven't seen this Jenny since. This Jenny can send a card to the bunnies if she likes.

Elevan: No big deal the turkey left. Been sick of turkeys for a while now and haven't had it the last 3 years. Think Steak this year for Thanksgiving. :)


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Sometimes it's good to mix things up when it comes to holiday fare.

I usually stick to a specific main menu for Thanksgiving and Easter...Christmas has a normal menu too but occasionally I'll switch it up and make a side of salmon or go Italian.

We only have turkey 1x a year generally. Though this year we'll have 2 birds...our first home raised - pretty excited about that :)

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
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elevan said:
Sometimes it's good to mix things up when it comes to holiday fare.

I usually stick to a specific main menu for Thanksgiving and Easter...Christmas has a normal menu too but occasionally I'll switch it up and make a side of salmon or go Italian.

We only have turkey 1x a year generally. Though this year we'll have 2 birds...our first home raised - pretty excited about that :)
You should be! Turkeys that YOU raised. A True Thanksgiving. I'm excited to see the finished products. Please take pics. :)

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
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Today is 2 weeks that Willard has been with us. And his personality is now showing. What a guy! One of the best things, rabbit wise, we have ever done so far. He has gotten the route down like the others. In the morning all three of them now greet us, including our big bunny Jake, the Bunny LGD. Jake now considers Willard his as well as Kreacher and Dobby. Oh well, go figure. Willard is really a pleasure. DH had him out and Willard almost fell asleep in his arms that's how relaxed this new bunny is with us.

But boy is he active. Thank heavens we got him a bigger crate. He loves it. Bounces around it, has a shelf he can jump up on and perch on to see the whole room. He doing it more and more which we love to see. Now all our bunnies watch TV with us. Even though plenty of channels, but as usual nothing to watch. Thank Heaven for Movies. Willard is becoming a Harry Potter fan as well as Kreacher and Dobby. It funny because they do all line up and watch. I'm not saying they are really watching but it looks that way.

The boys are still separated and I do believe they will stay that way. And it's OK with us. We now put a huge towel over the front of Dobby and Kreacher's crate when Willard is out and about. Saves tension. Kreacher and Dobby know that Willard is still hear but they are kind of accepting him. They can smell him and hear him but no fights. No stands. No dancing. It's amazing what you can do to make them cooperate and keep the harmony.

Kreacher and Dobby have started to settle down since losing their "nuggets". You can actually see that tension has passed. Not many urges sexually which now has made Kreacher and Dobby bond closer. They have had a few tuffs with the "dance", but both put each other in their place. They worked it out. Now more grooming than "dancing". They lay right next to each other. Also last night, :celebrate Dobby was a true gentleman while holding. He was my only struggler when grooming or holding. Now he grunts to tell me He's not happy, but boy does he love the massage. Also almost fell asleep in my arms. That was pure Joy for me! Knowing that my initial mistake with handle this bunny is now a thing of the past! He taught me well.

Today will be an Outside day for the buns. Looking forward to a pretty fair day here. Sun and crisp. Just like I like it. And the buns like it too. They seem to exert more energy and play when it's crisp.

Hoping all have a Great Weekend! :)

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
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Excellent weekend. Beautiful weather. Bunnies had their outside play both days. They love to get outside. It's such great stimulation and excellent exercise. They have all become digging machines. Searching for that root. They love to be in the garden now. Don't worry no pesticides or fertilizers used. And stretching their legs, boy they do that too. Love to see the patterns they run. Found rabbits do that to make sure they have an avoidance plan. DH has strategically placed several covers for aerial attacks. But their favorite one is the chair in which we sit and watch. They always come to make sure we are still their. As a touchstone. I hear that's what you want. Independence with need of reassurance.

And at the end of the day, tired, content bunnies. Eating like they have never eaten before. I guess digging, binkies and running really burns the energy up and they need to refuel.

Plus its fun to watch the wildlife gather when the buns are out. The small birds love to gather and perch themselves on the roof and gutters to watch. The first time we had the buns out I thought it was just my imagination seeing so many birds, but it seems to happen every time.

:celebrate DH got the van going! He figured out what was needed and only $40 later, runs like a charm.

DH put the new Flea Powder on Jake so we will see how this new stuff works. Hoping it does work because reading more about it, can be used in the bunny run to keep down mosquitoes. Also reading the thread I started, the catnip solution looks interesting as well. Something to think about for next Spring and Summer. Basically a goal to make it so the buns can get out more. Seeing how they are really enjoying the exercise and are very content afterwards, this exercise run is becoming very important.

Awww well, Monday is here. Back to the grind. All have a Great Day! :)

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
Well learned something or should I confirmed something last night. Rabbits DO have excellent senses. Smell that is.

I've been very careful with exposing Willard to the other Guys. I know how rabbits fight or must be accepted to a new herd. Last night, not thinking, cleaned Willards crate first. Usually it's the boys first. Nothing thinking, I went from cleaning Willard's crate to the boys. Whooops, big mistake. I should have washed my hands. Not because Willards is dirty or diseased, which he is not, but because of his scent. Well, Kreacher got the scent right away. And before I knew it, bit my hand. And then went after Dobby. I quickly snatched up Kreacher and handed him to DH. DH got him to calm down while I finished the boys crate. Lesson learned.

After washing my hands, I picked up Kreacher and all was well. Kreacher does NOT like another male rabbit in the house. I believe what I experienced was Kreacher showing his dominance to be FULL Pack leader of ALL the rabbits. That's why he challenged his Litter Mate. After smelling Willard on me, he became aggressive. To any other rabbit. Once the scent of Willard was gone, no problems with his litter mate or myself. Kreacher went back to grooming Dobby and vise versa. Willard, not phased a bit.

This morning, all was quiet. Everyone had a very quiet evening. And Kreacher is back to his curious sweet ways. I believe it would be wrong to ever introduce these two males without serious risk to health. Something we will just have to live with. But that's OK. Nothing unique here. Others have bunnies that don't get along. I've read about it, now I've experienced it. Lesson learned. :)


New Member
Dec 8, 2010
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so much for cute and fluffy.

The things I never knew about rabbits. lol, now I am almost scared of rabbits.
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