Ms. Research

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Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
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Thanks for your comments. Truly appreciate it.


Amazing what animals will do for your mental state. Definitely good therapy. Thanks for the comments on the pics.


Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
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DH back safe and sound after his journey out to do errands. Came back from TSC with some really good deals. And not just for the animals. Needed socks really bad. For some reason feet are always cold. Like ice cubes. Have to wear socks to bed. But cold feet does come in handy when you want more room in the bed. Love the pairs he brought home.

DH got himself a pair of jeans. He's not hard on clothes but has lost weight (both of us) since Henry died. Think we will be heading back again on Sunday. Good deals on flannel shirts for DH. And also want to look at the Carhartt Hooded Duck jackets. I need something warm. Have a fancy coat for work (not good for actual work) and another one that definitely needs to be retired.

Got the ACV in the rabbits dishes. Hopefully all will like it because it is good for them. Birdseed out for the wild birds. Jake and I patrolled the area around the rabbit run for anything unusual. I know Jake and can read his signs if anything has been in the backyard that shouldn't. Reading EleVan's journal makes me more watchful about wildlife and strays. Wild birds aren't harmful to bunnies, but wild rabbits and strays are. Jake got rid of the wild turkey so I don't have to worry about that. We have always had a soft spot for the birds in winter and have fed them for years. When Spring comes, well we do leave it out early spring, but afterwards they are on their own. Know I just have to be more vigilant now having indoor bunnies that I take outside. Don't want to stop helping the little birds survive the winter.


Roll farms

Spot Master
Jun 5, 2009
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Marion, IN
I have resisted putting out my suet feeders so far, I usually wait until there's snow and I know they really, really *need* the feed b/c there other food sources are covered up. But I made some suet cakes (bacon grease / birdseed combo) and I'm dying to see if they'll like them.

I dunno if ALL of the TSC's are doing it, but in our region, Monday Dec. 5th is "Friends and Family" night, where everyone gets 15% off their entire order and 25% extra off of clearance. You might check their site / wait until that night to buy any 'big' items.

We (employees) get 20% off for 3 days next week, I'll be stocking up on lots of things.

I bought some raw ACV and have been giving it to the goats (read an article in Goat Rancher magazine about it). The place I ordered it from suggested people drink 2tsp w/ 2tsp honey w/ 8oz water 3x a day.


My guts haven't been right since. I'll keep giving it to the goats but apparently I didn't *need* any help, :lol:

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
Roll farms said:
I have resisted putting out my suet feeders so far, I usually wait until there's snow and I know they really, really *need* the feed b/c there other food sources are covered up. But I made some suet cakes (bacon grease / birdseed combo) and I'm dying to see if they'll like them.

I dunno if ALL of the TSC's are doing it, but in our region, Monday Dec. 5th is "Friends and Family" night, where everyone gets 15% off their entire order and 25% extra off of clearance. You might check their site / wait until that night to buy any 'big' items.

We (employees) get 20% off for 3 days next week, I'll be stocking up on lots of things.

I bought some raw ACV and have been giving it to the goats (read an article in Goat Rancher magazine about it). The place I ordered it from suggested people drink 2tsp w/ 2tsp honey w/ 8oz water 3x a day.


My guts haven't been right since. I'll keep giving it to the goats but apparently I didn't *need* any help, :lol:
Thanks for the tip about TSC and the "Friends and Family" night. Will definitely have to look into that at my local TSC. And have to say, impressed about the employees discount. Not many stores doing that now a days for their employees. Good for TSC and for you.

The bacon grease and fat I usually freeze and put out when it's really, really cold too. I'm a sucker for the wild birds so I do put it out for them earlier than you. Plus leave it out a little longer in the Spring for the babies.

DH has been using ACV for years as a PH balance for his system. Never used it with honey. Always used it straight. Never had a problem. Does wheat grass oil straight too. Some people, like yourself, don't need any balance. Your body already balances itself. The best thing that Cider vinegar is for is balancing your belly. The human body doesn't work the way chemistry depicts an acid vs base. People with heartburn should take a couple teaspoon of this and actually balance their acid put out rather than eating a box of Tums. What a joke that is. You stop over acid production in a human or any animal with acid not a base. But what do I know.


Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
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Last night there was a Mini marathon of "The Incredible Dr Pol". I'm really liking this show. Plus it's also peaked the interest of DH and discussion of livestock plans for the future. I was surprised how really "into it" he got. Dr Pol is an exceptionally kind man with a great way to pass on his knowledge. I liked his statement of how farmers and vets need to work together. To help each other exist together. I like that attitude. He teaches farmers his tricks of the trade and his knowledge that can be applied. This is the way to do it. We both have learned about lots of livestock and look forward to more episodes. Really surprised me when DH got a big smile on his face about the alpacas. He's seriously considering wool.

Also DH dropped a hint that also dropped my jaw. He sees another bunny in our near future. I looked at him, and he just smiled and says, "I just like them". Now discussions on which kind. Maybe a Lionhead in my future?


Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
Well, we made it. 6 months today we bought home our fluffy bundles. And boy have they been enjoyable to get to know.

What we have learned in this 6 months:

Dobby is our "Couch Potato" Bunny. No doubt about it. So laid back it's amazing. He used to run into his shelter when we first brought him home. Now, anything happens, he's right there. And I've never seen a rabbit stretch out and fall asleep before like this one. Bombs could go off outside his crate now and you will just get a eye open. But open any bag, or the refrigerator, and boy does this rabbit come to life. Instant on. He's become a very affection rabbit as well. Loves to be groomed but will give a grunt when displeased or if we disturbed him during his afternoon nap. And he's master the "bunny flop". I remember the first time he did this. DH almost had a heart attack. Jumped and looked to make sure he was alright. Never seen anything like it before. And when I say flop, he actually rattles the bottom of the crate when he flops. And he's mastered his technique. You see him eye it up, scratches a little, then WHAM, Plus I love to watch him dream. You see him stretch out, and then all of sudden you see the nose twitching, the eye twitching, ears twitching, and then the mouth goes into overdrive. Looks like he's enjoying a meal. Absolutely the funniest thing to watch. Bunny dreams.

Kreacher is the "Attitude King". Never would I have thought that my SMALLEST rabbit would have the BIGGEST attitude. Boy he does. But since moving him to his own crate, his attitude has come down a bit and he's been more affectionate to both of us. We have no problem handling him. He does give grunts like Dobby when displeased, but that's about it. Put your hand in his crate, and you are not allowed to leave until you give scratches. He loves his forehead and behind his ears scratched.

It's been a God Send having these two little "furballs" in our home. And watching them mature. That was our goal. We wanted to know about rabbits, and boy have we learned in the past 6 months. Never would I have known about "Barbering", "Head tilt due to ear mites", medications for, "dominance" issues and most important, may be a rabbit, but they all have Individual personalities. Of all my years, I would have never thought this.

And we can't forget Willard. It's been 2 months since we "adopted" this sweetie. I have to say he has settled into our home very nicely. He's not as shy as he has been. Really enjoys now watching Jake, just like our other two. He's very attached to my DH, who has taken this sweetie under his wing. Nice to see both of them together. Willard is even getting used to me. Still a little shy but baby steps is the way to go. I enjoy seeing his face every morning when I get his food bowl. Now he does greet me and will approach and let me give him a quick scratch on the forehead. He does give me a grunt and a thump when I do go in to pick him up, but then submits. Hopefully this will pass as time goes on. But never ever any aggression. We really lucked out with this one. I wouldn't blame him if he was aggressive not knowing his past and left in a strange area for some reason which is unknown. But he's not. He's a sweetie and so glad that we went back and got him.

So that's what we have learned from our rabbits. And look forward to learning more every day. It's been such a pleasure having these little critters in our home. Never, ever thought that these little animals could teach us so much about their lives. It's been very rewarding.


Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
Our first Peak at our Furry Bundles:




Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Ah. Love the "look back" pics. So cute! Congratulations on the six month anniversary of your adventure. :clap

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
First off, thanks Roll and EleVan for the Congrats on 6 month anniversary.

I have to say I've read many articles about the sounds bunnies make. I had to laugh when I read about rabbits purring like cats. I've heard the grunts of displeasure, never purrs of pleasure. After a grooming session yesterday, I allowed Kreacher to relax on my shoulder while I was sitting in my chair. While we were both watching TV, I was just scratching Kreacher's favorite spot. Loves his neck and between his ears scratched. All of a sudden I heard it. It started softly but continued to get louder. Rabbits DO Purr. Just like Cats when they are content. Really made me feel good to know that Kreacher was really enjoying the interaction. Never would I ever imagine sitting with a rabbit that Purrs.

Amazing what my little guy has taught me.

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