Ms. Research

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Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
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77Herford said:
Ms. Research said:
Thanks for your support. Truly appreciate the well wishes. DH and I made it through. A few tears but did find a few smiles there. Smiles created by Jake, Dobby, Kreacher and Willard.

You can't beat baby bunnies. If you need to look my wifes little orange lady is always up on my journal.:p
Seen your wife's little orange. Wishing her the best with her.



New Member
Dec 8, 2010
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You werent on tonight!

Missed ya! :hugs

How's "the boys"?

I hope that you are still using that camera!

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
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redtailgal said:
You werent on tonight!

Missed ya! :hugs

How's "the boys"?

I hope that you are still using that camera!
"The Boys" are doing well. Thanks so much for asking. Haven't picked up the camera in a bit, been busy with work. But looking forward to some time during the holidays to "practice".


Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
I've notice that my bunnies have gotten a bit sluggish due to the shorting of light. They seem to have the pattern of winter/spring down.

I've also notice more dreaming occurring. I love to watch Jake, our dog when he dreams. The "woof", the legs running in place, the tail wagging, the nose going a mile a minute. Now I watch my "Couch Potato" Bunny, Dobby do the same. Its so funny. Now here's a bunny that does his "bunny flop" which is a whole experience in itself, then legs are stretched and propped up on his water bowl, like a content millionaire, then comes the nose wiggling, the mouth and tongue moving around, eyes closed but twitching. You know he's dreaming. Oh for the simple life. Even Willard is relaxing more, stretched out in his litter box among his "marked" hay. That's right, he marks his hay. Amazing. Found Willard stretched out, eyes closed, on his side, dreaming as well. Kreacher, I think is too high-strung to dream. He probably does, but we haven't witnessed it yet. He's more in tuned to our time then the others. So he's more active when we are around then the other two. It's just his way.

I wonder what they dream about. We know Jake dreams of chasing the squirrels away from his bunny's run. Yes folks, Jake thinks the bunnies are his. We cater to his thoughts of ownership. He's very proud and very gentle. He just wants to be part of the bunny crew. Actually bunnies like Jake around. They are very in tuned to Jake's barks. They know the tone. It's amazing to watch. But I wonder what our bunnies are dreaming about? I guess piles of hay, greens, running, binkies, and that feeling of freedom which we allow.

All I know is that they all feel secure to be able to dream like that. And sleep with no qualms or need to hide. I guess we did just fine by our buns.



Smiley Crazy
Nov 18, 2011
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an acre
You DID do a good job !!!! Your bunnies are feeling like in heaven right now I bet !!!

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
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Well remember when I was saying that my rabbits were getting used to the Winter hours. Slowing down, napping more. Well, it looks like they save all that energy for the morning. I have three rabbits "doing laps" around their crates in the morning. Dobby "My Couch Potato" comes ALIVE in the early morning hours. Last two days, I've woken up to a ruckus coming from the living room. There's my "Couch Potato" bunny rearranging EVERYTHING in his crate. Moving his litter box from one side of the crate to another, absolutely attacking the piece of cardboard DH put in his crate to amuse him.

Is this normal? Or have my bunnies already got the "Winter blues" or "Cabin fever"? Well DH disassembled the exterior run and brought part of it into the house. The Portable fencing. Bunnies will have a chance to romp indoors today. They need something.

Still molting but not as much as they were in the past. I guess it is true. Indoor rabbits do take longer to molt than outside. I guess it's the degree of temperature and exposure to the elements. Makes sense. But still continuing the extra hay and papaya to battle hair balls and blockages. Dobby is the worse. Kreacher mimimal. Willard kind of in the middle. Continuing also to groom every other day. That helps the most. Can get lots of hair out while grooming. Plus I like the contact with each of them. They are really enjoying it as well. Dobby, well he falls asleep every time I brush him. He just stretches out on my lap and floats down stream. Kreacher, Mr. Noisy. Sometimes he relaxes, and others he's moving all over. Willard, well, DH handles him. DH says he's a pussycat. DH says he becomes so relaxes, you can actually feel Willard's weight. Amazing.

Grooming time is also Jake's time to reassociate. Jake always comes over and greets each bunny while we are grooming. Bunnies enjoy the encounter too. There is absolutely no stress involved. But when Jake there, you need to brush bunny AND scratch Jake. Jake gives you the "Sad Sack" eyes, and you just can't help but scratch him. Like he's neglected.

ACV has worked it's charm. No real odors after 2 days. I hope nobody misunderstood that ACV is not a cure but it sure does cut the ammonia odor down. I think the bunnies appreciate it too. I know they love the water now. They drink like a lush. It's amazing those little tongues can go through that much water in one day. But that's what bunnies need to help them eat. So glad they like the ACV. And Jake likes it too. Another heavy drinker.

So all and all, I think we have addressed and resolved a lot of issues over the last 8 months. I think we have a good crew. Well adjusted. And look forward to the future.


Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
Queen Mum said:
Would it be called Bunnergy or Benergy?
I don't know what it's called, but boy if you could bottle that energy....


Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
Though no snow, it is getting nippy outside. Our buns being inside rabbits, well, it's a bit nippy for them outside. Temperature changes just too great too fast. Not healthy for bunnies.

So DH and I decided to bring in the temporary fencing from the run outside and set it up inside. We have plans for making the outside run bigger so taking down doesn't matter.

Dobby and Kreacher thought it was "old hat". They have been out of their crate and had the run of the living room until hormones took over. So they enjoyed being out of the crate again.

Willard, well he must have not had too much outside running when he was at his "old" home, because he really enjoyed his time outside the crate. Took him a bit to get orientated but once he did, chin marking was abounding. Willard loves to chin mark everything. Including his own hay. But he did give signals that he was ready to go back. Thumping is his signal. He's only been with us a couple months now. He's still adjusting but doing really well. We have to stand back and not rate him like Dobby and Kreacher. They have been with us since the beginning.

So here's some pics of the day outside the crate with Willard. Hope you enjoy.





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