It is intimidating with a smaller animal. Especially with their faces and to hear growls from that cute little face. Understand completely. But glad you are persistent with him. They do sense when you are nervous. Just like a dog. They read your emotions like a book. When they feel your weak, they will test. I just believe that "test period over" thump on the nose. You have to. You can't let them rule you. You might try just visiting and what I mean by visiting is, don't touch him, just arrange his crate or stick your head in for a little while. Do this for about ten/fifteen minutes. I see a difference in their attitude toward me when I did this. I did this with all my rabbits. I visited at least 3 times a week. Since my two (Dobby and Kreacher) were young when we got them, it was just routine. But I saw a major difference when i did this with Willard who we got just recently and he is older. Not much older than my two but he didn't grow up here. It worked. he is now coming to me to see what I'm doing. Not fretful any more. Just curious. Before he used to run and thump to tell me to get lost. Now no more. Only thumps now when I pick him up. And that's it. No struggle.aggieterpkatie said:Good for DH and tell Kreacher to pick on someone his own size.I have to admit, I'm intimidated by my big buck. He's an Am. Chin/Silver Fox cross and he has "growled" and lunged at me more than once. I'm getting braver, but I'm still askeered of him.
I can handle large animals no problem, but when a bunny growls I get nervous.