Ms. Research

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Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
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fortheloveofgoats said:
Ms. Research said:
fortheloveofgoats said:
I hear you about the loud bangs. We had the same thing here. Bear wouldn't stop barking, until they were done. Which was great, we went to bed at 9:30. Yes, pm. :lol: We weren't feeling well. Happy to hear that they took the New Years fire works in stride. Sorry to hear you had to work today. Hopefully you will be off in no time, and have some fun with the buns too. Thank you and hope you have/had a good day today as well.
So sorry you haven't been feeling well. Lots of people hacking here because of the weird "up and down" weather. Hoping you are all feeling better soon.

Had a good day. Got to leave early so it wasn't that bad.

Thanks, hopefully it will be gone soon. So are you feeling better? Happy to hear you were able to leave early. Did you get to play with the buns?
Thanks, feeling much better. Taking my allergy medicine to stop the drip, which stops the ear infections, sneezing, and watery eyes. So feeling much better.

Yes, I did get to play with the buns. I took them out individually and sat with them. They love the attention. I got to actually hold Willard for the first time. DH usually handles him. It was really quite nice holding Willard. He is such a sweetie. Loves the attention. Will grumble though when I pick him up every time, he quiets down and likes the contact. Kreacher is becoming my lap bunny. He loves to sit with me and watch TV. It's a pleasure to come home from work, and sit with my DH and buns.

Hoping you and yours are feeling better. Hoping Samores and Mellow are doing well. Take care. Talk to you later.


Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
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autumnprairie said:
I am always here to listen whenever you want or need to talk about Henry :hugs
Thanks so much. I love talking about Henry. He was my World for 13 years. And now that he's gone, I don't want to talk with tears, but talk with pride and happiness of having this loving individual in my life.



Overrun with beasties
Aug 26, 2011
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Ms. Research said:
fortheloveofgoats said:
Ms. Research said:
So sorry you haven't been feeling well. Lots of people hacking here because of the weird "up and down" weather. Hoping you are all feeling better soon.

Had a good day. Got to leave early so it wasn't that bad.

Thanks, hopefully it will be gone soon. So are you feeling better? Happy to hear you were able to leave early. Did you get to play with the buns?
Thanks, feeling much better. Taking my allergy medicine to stop the drip, which stops the ear infections, sneezing, and watery eyes. So feeling much better.

Yes, I did get to play with the buns. I took them out individually and sat with them. They love the attention. I got to actually hold Willard for the first time. DH usually handles him. It was really quite nice holding Willard. He is such a sweetie. Loves the attention. Will grumble though when I pick him up every time, he quiets down and likes the contact. Kreacher is becoming my lap bunny. He loves to sit with me and watch TV. It's a pleasure to come home from work, and sit with my DH and buns.

Hoping you and yours are feeling better. Hoping Samores and Mellow are doing well. Take care. Talk to you later.

:woot Happy to hear you are feeling much better!

:celebrate That's great to hear that you got to have time with each of them, and that's even better news about Willard. :lol: That sounds like Mellow. She will make a noise at me, but once I am holding her and loving on her, she talks away. Lap bunny's are great! I bet it is. Glad to hear you get to have some relaxing time with the ones you love.

We are starting to feel better, thank you. They are doing great. Thank you. You take care as well. Hope to talk to you again soon. I love getting to compare your buns (bunny's for you new people reading this :lol: ) and my guinea pigs.


The Farm Zookeeper
Mar 12, 2011
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Well once again the Wife is playing with her bunny. I call it the devil spawn, lol but my Wife has named her Twinkles. So Twinkles may become our first inside bunny, though I'm not thrilled on the idea, I'm sure you'll get many a hilarious stories.
I'm not letting Twinkles in the bedroom or kitchen. I'm glad you and your husband are enjoying your buns in peace.


Owned by the Rotten Heifers
Oct 10, 2011
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The Natural State
77Herford said:
Well once again the Wife is playing with her bunny. I call it the devil spawn, lol but my Wife has named her Twinkles. So Twinkles may become our first inside bunny, though I'm not thrilled on the idea, I'm sure you'll get many a hilarious stories.
I'm not letting Twinkles in the bedroom or kitchen. I'm glad you and your husband are enjoying your buns in peace.
:yuckyuck :lol:

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
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fortheloveofgoats said:
Ms. Research said:
fortheloveofgoats said:
Thanks, hopefully it will be gone soon. So are you feeling better? Happy to hear you were able to leave early. Did you get to play with the buns?
Thanks, feeling much better. Taking my allergy medicine to stop the drip, which stops the ear infections, sneezing, and watery eyes. So feeling much better.

Yes, I did get to play with the buns. I took them out individually and sat with them. They love the attention. I got to actually hold Willard for the first time. DH usually handles him. It was really quite nice holding Willard. He is such a sweetie. Loves the attention. Will grumble though when I pick him up every time, he quiets down and likes the contact. Kreacher is becoming my lap bunny. He loves to sit with me and watch TV. It's a pleasure to come home from work, and sit with my DH and buns.

Hoping you and yours are feeling better. Hoping Samores and Mellow are doing well. Take care. Talk to you later.

:woot Happy to hear you are feeling much better!

:celebrate That's great to hear that you got to have time with each of them, and that's even better news about Willard. :lol: That sounds like Mellow. She will make a noise at me, but once I am holding her and loving on her, she talks away. Lap bunny's are great! I bet it is. Glad to hear you get to have some relaxing time with the ones you love.

We are starting to feel better, thank you. They are doing great. Thank you. You take care as well. Hope to talk to you again soon. I love getting to compare your buns (bunny's for you new people reading this :lol: ) and my guinea pigs.
So glad you are all starting to feel better. And truly have to say my buns (love your statement for the new people lol) have been a God Send. Spending just a little time with each, helps me more than words can say. Amazing what unconditional love will do. And especially from a Wild Animal once you gain their trust. It's just AWESOME! As you are feeling with your girls. Those loving squeaks will come more and more. That's one of the things I love about guinea pigs. They love to have conversations once they get to know you. Believe me, once you really get to know your girls, certain squeaks will mean something. You have no idea the joy I got when I first heard Kreacher purr. Actually purr like a cat. They do that when they are content and happy. It was really amazing to hear. The grumbles from Willard and Dobby does it, just shows me they are just a little uncomfortable with handling. They need to protest lol. But once settled on my lap, they both love the attention.

Take care. Talk soon. Have a Great day today.


Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
77Herford said:
Well once again the Wife is playing with her bunny. I call it the devil spawn, lol but my Wife has named her Twinkles. So Twinkles may become our first inside bunny, though I'm not thrilled on the idea, I'm sure you'll get many a hilarious stories.
I'm not letting Twinkles in the bedroom or kitchen. I'm glad you and your husband are enjoying your buns in peace.
Poor baby. Wife not showing you attention 24 hours a day? Only joshing! Twinkles/Devil Spawn will be an addition to the household now? I think it's nice to have a rabbit in the house. I understand not being thrilled with having one in the house and keeping him out of certain rooms. lol. But it's nice that you are accomodating your Wife's wishes to have Twinkles/Devil Spawn so close. Be perfectly honest, you will really get to know what a rabbit is all about. And not just being dinner either. Can't wait to hear the stories from you. They will be more on the Devil Spawn side but can't wait to hear.

Yes, DH and I are really enjoying our buns in peace. Been a big help and keeps us going after the loss of our Son, Henry. They do have healing powers so I can't say they are Devil Spawns. lol.


Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
Woke up to SNOW! Not much, just a dusting but I just love the first snow fall. Looks so pretty out. But let Jake out, and boy it's COLD! But isn't that what happens when WINTER is here. Need that cold weather to kill all these nasty germs.

I hope it last til the weekend, but doubt it. 40's for the weekend. Would love to get the bunnies out in the snow to see what they think about it. It's just too cold right now. Need it to warm up just a bit. We need a foot of snow, then the next day sunshine, bright and calm so we can take the buns out for short period. My "couch potato" is the one I would like to see what he thinks of the snow. lol.

Well yesterday was the 7th month anniversary of bringing our bunnies home (Dobby and Kreacher). On the 8th, it will be 3 months having Willard. What an amazing experience it has been. Looking forward to this year and looking for new bunnies. Holland Lops are the choice. Will look forward to the hunt for the right breeding pair.

Update on Rabbits:

I have to say Dobby has become very active in the morning. He is having a ball moving his litter box all over. And the new thing is moving his food dish all over his crate. It's not light either. He's picking it up and moving it. Well, it's exercise I guess. lol. He's definitely getting closer to my DH since DH has been doing most of the crate cleaning. Dobby loves to help. lol. Also he's starting to enjoy his time out with me. He still grumbles when picked up, but is finding grooming time to be the best. He just stretches out on my lap as I brush him. Haven't heard him purr yet. I think he's holding back on us. Doesn't want us to know he really enjoys the attention. lol. Dobby is starting to get his dewlap. Really showing now. My little boy is growing up.

Kreacher is still our "Small Bunny with a Big Attitude". He's just so funny. But he does love to come sit with me every night. He actually looks forward to it and waits at the crate door for me to come get him. Now he's the one I heard purr and does so a lot now. Hasn't grabbed at DH since the "attitude adjustment". Actually now when DH cleans his crate, DH needs to pet Kreacher before he can actually clean now. Another helpful bunny. lol. But it was worth the little drama because Kreacher now knows DH is alpha too. No problem since.

Willard, well Willard is really settling in nicely. He is now doing "bunny flops" in his litter box and sleeping out in the open. He used to hide when he slept but he's feeling more content and comfortable each day. Willard now comes to me when I call. He used to only come when DH called so I feel I made big leaps in the trust area with Willard.

All are doing well. All are healthy, happy and absolutely spoiled.

And Jake, our Rabbit LGD, well, he's still making sure his rabbits are safe. lol.

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