MsDeb's Journal - Lookin Out My Back Door


Loving the herd life
Jul 9, 2014
Reaction score
Have a few minutes and thought I'd catch up. I hate winter! It keeps me away from my goats. We're tracking Hazel (aka Anna as per granddaughters) closely to make sure all is well and that she starts gaining weight. Didn't realize she was half the size she should be. Another newbie goat owner head smack. :he She is frisky and happy but, after not being out with us as often due to the weather she and Tripod (now aka Elsa...granddaughters, shesh!) So last week on the one nice day I was home I decided to take advantage of her small size to give her lots of cuddles. She returned the affection with head hugs and a kiss. Nice to finally have some quality time. CANNOT WAIT for spring!
Looking ahead, we have plans to purchase baby chicks in the spring!
AND.....drumroll.....have found someone (who seems to have a great reputation among Kansas goat people) who will sell us a bred mini Nubian!!! And more drumrolling.....I also found out a friend who milked goats a few years ago still has her milking stand and we can have it.
Can I use the money I saved from finding a free milking stand to buy another goat?


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Loving the herd life
Jul 9, 2014
Reaction score
Must record this experience so I can look back on it and laugh.
Yesterday we brought home Alice. Alice is a mini Nubian born "sometime last spring or summer." The seller got her as a baby "sometime last spring or summer." (She had twins apparently too early. Seller found them dead on Feb 2.) She was for sale in milk and I just could not wait to get a mini and especially couldn't wait to start milking. Note to self. I could not wait to start milking. AKA, I asked for this. AKA, I PAID GOOD MONEY FOR THIS. :lol:

Impulse buy really means NOT PREPARED TO BUY but hey, how hard can it be to start milking without a milking stand or prior experience....or anything, right?

Last night was interesting with hubby acting as a head gate. Let's just say that didn't go well.

This morning I read some inspirational FB posts from other goat milkers, gathered myself into some sort of zen state of mind and started the morning as usual, although thankfully an hour earlier than usual. Good old Finn, did his job of protecting me from anything that might be scary in the darkness. Got the girls and boys fed and watered and went to get Alice out of isolation. Finn was so happy to greet her. He did his "snuggle the goat" happy dance which threw Alice into full blown self protection mode. Stomp. Head butt. Stomp. Head butt. Finally got them separated long enough to get them to the mud room. Alice came in happily, I suppose thinking Finn was going to stay outside. He didn't. Enclosed stomp. Head butt. Stomp. Head butt. Fortunately Finn knows how to fix this. Put the entire goat head in his mouth. That works...for everyone but the goat.

So I disengage goat head (thankfully intact) shove Finn into the kitchen, which throws all three cats into a frenzy. Much noise. Alice retaliates by repeatedly head butting the door. Yep, we're ready to milk now. She's shaking, snorting and her hackles are UP. Next half hour is spend with me petting, cuddling and singing to calm the goat. "Alice, where are you going? Upstairs to take a bath, bath, bath, bath, bath...."

When she finally calms down I put the much too large plastic bowl (remember unprepared me?) under her and try to get her poor teat that didn't get milked last night to soften up and let down. Some success. Some failure. Lots of milk on me, on the door, on my boots. Those darn things don't aim well! What did get into the bowl was stepped in and knocked over several times. I don't care about the lost milk. I just want to get her milked out.

To my credit, she ran out of patience before I did. I kept talking her back into the corner. The most successful milking was done with me in front of her and her head over my shoulder. My neck makes a great salt lick. But for all my attempts to maintain Alpha goat title she did finally end the milking session by attempting to jump over my head. I only ended up with a slight fat lip.

Got her back in her isolation pen. Could hear her screaming at me as I was getting ready for work, but I did manage to shower (paying close attention to my neck) get dressed and get to work and to my first appointment on time. There must be some success in that. :rolleyes:

A friend is dropping off a milking stand that has been sitting in their barn for years. The price is right. I don't think it will fit in our mud room, but we do have that empty guest room....


Herd Master
Mar 26, 2013
Reaction score
NE Ohio
I think you're doing great :) I had the same 'aiming' problem when I first started milking my sheep.


Loving the herd life
Jul 9, 2014
Reaction score
I got three cups of milk this morning!!!! :weee And Alice didn't kick over the bucket!!!! :weeeAnd I finally think I've gotten the feel for what it's supposed to feel like milking!!!!! :weeeAnd it only took an hour from getting her out of the pen to putting her back in!!!:weee Not bad for my 4th ever milking experience. If the muscles in my arms were not quivering so bad I'd pat myself on the back. (Really got to start doing push ups or something. Upper arm strength must have left sometime around my 50th birthday.) :hu