Herd Master
I wouldn't call 10x20 "large". Of course it depends on how many actual chickens (counting the ones that don't count) you have.I’m going to fence off a large area around that side around 20x10 with hopes to let them free roam of the dogs will be good.
Smart man!!do what ever she tells me to
I was going to suggest a greenhouse if you hope to be somewhat self sufficient. I expect your growing season is similar to ours in length. This year the Early Girl tomato plant didn't have a ripe tomato until September!She wants to learn how to can for sure. We’re close to Helena. The house has an old greenhouse attached to it that I want get fixed up for her starter plants that will give us more options too.

With hatcheries shipping is shipping, same cost for 3 at Meyer as for 14 ($35). They will sell 3 April-Nov, otherwise the minimum is 8- 15 for bantams. Some hatcheries will add "packing peanuts" (AKA chicks you didn't order, probably male) to small shipments, Meyer does not. Shipping drops to $15 for 15 to 24 birds and $10/100 for 25 or more.Something to think about...I know my local Tractor Supply required a min of 6 chicks(at least, if I'm not mistaken) if you buy from the store. Online, I think is at least 10. Some hatchery will sell a min of 3 but the shipping for a small quantity is high. And then of course you can always check your local craigslist to see if anyone is selling chicks.
And yes, the feed stores often have a minimum # of birds that is higher than the hatcheries, but no shipping charge. The issue I have with them is you don't always know what you are getting. They will put 2 breeds in the same stock tank and if you don't know your breeds, you may get ones you don't want. Don't count on the employees to know anything about them other than that they are chicks.