MtViking- A little piece of paradise.


Loving the herd life
Aug 29, 2019
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Thanks, Mr @Bruce!

Well, Mr. @MtViking, as she said, Miss @farmerjan didn't need chains for her 2WD tractors in Virginia, and she did just fine. I hope you will do just fine, too. I guess we will all find out soon! I won't pester you any more about it.

Senile Texas Aggie
This is my first year with the tractor, my tires are almost 6ft tall lol I don’t know how much a set of chains would cost me, but more than I probably want to spend. The tires are weighted I believe they are 1500lbs if I remember right, so I think I will probably be ok. I driven 2x4 cars and trucks all winter with out chains on. I’ve rarely ever chained up my 4x4 even breaking trail in the mountains. Once the ground is frozen if you have enough weight on the rear tires you usually do pretty good. I’ll probably do most my plowing this winter with a little s10 pickup with a plow on it. My dad goes south in the winter and let’s me use his little plow truck. Most people around me have a plow for there trucks or use ATVs with plows. I only know one person that uses his tractor and he doesn’t have chains for it. He lives further up in the mountains than I do so I think I’ll do ok. I’ll definitely keep you posted on how it goes though.


Loving the herd life
Aug 29, 2019
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Quick up date. I haven’t been on for a spell. Not much new, the cats are kicking but on the rodents I haven’t seen one in weeks! They’re fun to have around too. The rabbits still haven’t breed yet although I keep trying. I’m going to a rabbit show next month. I might pick up a proven buck or proven doe I dont know which would be the better option any one with an opinion on that please feel free to chime in. Their vulva has been purple the last week or two so hopefully they will breed soon. I don’t really want to feed three rabbits all winter that aren’t doing their jobs. Me and the kids went out antelope hunting and we all filled our tags so the freezer is stocked up with my favorite wild game meat. We skinned the skulls and are going to boil them ourselves this year. Two nice bucks and young buck they all will be delicious I’m sure. I went on a trip to st Louis for a big IBEW convention, which is the union that I proudly belong to and am the Vice President of my local. First time to really experience a city, I’ve driven through a couple as a kid but never stayed in the middle of one for a week. It was really awesome, I’d never move to one but was a great time. Got to check out some museums and the giant arch in between meetings and classes. The St. Louis arch was AMAZING! Totally blew my mind how they could build something like that. The youngest finished football so things are a little bit less busy so I’m hoping to be able to focus more energy on getting the chicken coop ready for spring. My cover crop of rye grass you guys recommended to me is coming in great! I’ll have a good cutting for the rabbits this spring before I till it in. It has Timothy hay in it as well so I’m going to leave a strip to grow for the summer. I’m also going to plant some down in the front yard for the rabbits to enjoy in their rabbit tractors. I think that’s about all I have for updates. The short days are limiting me greatly on getting any projects done after work which is depressing I LOVE working on the future homestead so I get restless not being able to continuously improving the place.


Loving the herd life
Aug 29, 2019
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Loving the herd life
Aug 29, 2019
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Glad you got to experience a big city. Now you know why we don't want to live in one. LOL LOL
Yep hahaha. There was drive by shooting that we heard a couple blocks from us in the middle of the day! Crazy to me. We were in groups so I don’t think we were ever in any sort of immediate danger plus I’m 6’4” viking looking dude and the guy with me is a body builder so I hope we looked imposing hahaha


Loving the herd life
Aug 29, 2019
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What will you do with the pronghorn skulls? Have you seen the decorated cow skulls? some of them are cool looking.

Pictures off the net

The kids will put theirs in their rooms, we have three really nice ones from a couple years ago that we hang on the walls. They're still packed from moving or I’d post pictures of those one. It cost me about $100 to have them done professionally so I thought I’d try to do these ones myself. The center one in the picture is mine this year I might try and paint that one, I haven’t painted since high school but I used to be pretty good so it’s worth a shot. Thanks for the good idea. I’ll keep you posted if I do.


Herd Master
Mar 10, 2019
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Middle Tennessee
I would go with a proven buck for sure. If you're getting a doe, be sure that she's under a year old but no less than 6 months. That way you'll have a chance at breeding her as soon as you get back....usually the excitement of the car ride and a new environment is enough to get them breeding. Mine still aren't breeding...I think all rabbits are on strike right now for some reason :gig

Pastor Dave

Herd Master
Dec 24, 2015
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Crawfordsville, IN
I grew up on a small farm with outdated equipment, and never heard of a 4wd tractor until got older. We had an old John Deere R and a couple Minneapolis Molines from the same era. We had The Blizzard of '77 when I was a tike and remember Dad taking the R along the railroad right of way into town because the whole road beside us was drifted shut. No chains. We had a FEL on one of the molines and he would do the driveways with that. No chains. Dad used to remind me that the snow plough trucks for the county were just 2wd too. Heavy is the answer.

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