MuldrowHomeFarm-Our journey into Farming (little did we know this is where we were going....)


Loving the herd life
Jul 7, 2020
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Well, Captain Spiderman had a bad day at school yesterday. Another child hit him in the head with a tractor. Being 2 1/2 is hard. Poppa and I picked him up early, as we were taking him to see Minions, at our local theater (we were the only ones there). The school called just as we pulled up in the parking lot. Cap came out with a big smile and said, "Jaxon hit me in the head with a tractor. He was mean." I laughed because they are not supposed to tell us who else was involved. The Owner just smiled and said, "I'm sorry." Sweet lady. Well, what are you gonna do with a room full of 2-3 yr olds?
Captain Spiderman was really good at the movie and he remained interested until the last 10 minutes or so, when he wanted to walk around. The popcorn helped!
It has rained just enough to create a huge mud puddle at the chicken coop, so today we are cleaning the forest floor and making a "carpet" that will hopefully help us not slide around so much. This mud is the worst I have ever encountered. If I had enemies, I would wish this mud on them!
The Pac Pack are enjoying laying in the forest near where we are cleaning. It is in the low 80's with a cool breeze and they are thrilled.
We have 3, possibly 4 goats that should be kidding about now but none of them are showing any signs of impending birth. This is our mean girl click that we were sure got bred in March or April. They had a little buck that was about 6 months old running with them for several weeks until we realized he was old enough to get the job done. Our mean girl click is all of our skinny girls. 3 of them are definitely pregnant and showing. I've bumped tested all 3 and can feel a baby, maybe 2 but timing is unclear. We just knew they would Domino during the Hurricane but we were saved and they didn't. Now it is a waiting game.
Our little chicken flock has contracted and upper respiratory infection and are receiving antibiotics in their water. Nothing like 160 little chicks, in a mud hole with an upper respiratory infection. We are on day 3 of 10 with the antibiotics. We lost the first 2 that we noticed were sick. Everyone else seems to be ok, but 2 have an icky looking eye. I catch them and clean their eye each day with plain water and then sanitize my hands very well. I have thought about putting a drop of LA 200 in their eyes but not sure if that would help or hurt so I have resisted. Attached is photos of our mud hole and many animals! The white Alpaca laying down is Pearl. She is the main one that lays her neck all the way on the ground. It has freaked me out more than once.

This is our skinniest girl, Sadie. This is a picture of her now. The picture above and below are her today.

The picture below is how she has always looked before.



Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
LA200 burns sensitive tissue. Do not use it in the eyes... if you really want to use something, get a tube of mastitis medicine that is put up into the udder. Either Today or Tomorrow will work. One is for daily treatment of mastitis, tomorrow is for use at dry off. but either will do the trick. We use it in the calves eyes for pink eye and it does not burn.... the formula is more soothing with antibiotic in it. Couldn't burn or you would never get it up a cows teat and live to tell about it. If you give LA200 under the skin (sq). you will often see the animal upset and mad, trying to rub it as it burns.... some don't have that reaction but most do.
Have had muddy lots like that so I can feel your aggravation.... and concern. Using the forest litter is great and the birds will have a nice chance to pick through it to see if they can find anything interesting.
Hope you dry up a bit


Loving the herd life
Jul 7, 2020
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We might have gotten 3", but I doubt it! It was a blessing to not have had more but it all pools in the chicken coop. We got no wind, at all. Thank you for asking!


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
Poor chickens. I am raising a tractor of meat chickens now. Over a few days, we got 7 1/2" of rain and those poor chickens were in some nasty slop! Even throwing in pine shavings didn't help. As soon as I could, I moved it over. I call the meat chickens dirty birdies for their ability to poop enormous amounts in a very short time. And once they get dirty, they stay dirty. They do not groom themselves like normal chickens do. I am moving their tractor every 2 days, using their poop in a small pasture, to enrich the lousy sand soil.

Since your chicken pen doesn't drain, keep mounding up leaves, sticks and other matter to create a high spot. Eventually it will be higher and hopefully run off.


Loving the herd life
Jul 7, 2020
Reaction score
What a mess! What kind of chickens are you using for meat? We currently have Americaunas. White Leghorns, Barr Rock, Production Red, Rhode Island Red, 238's, and Buff Orpingtons.
DH has layered the pen floor and it looks pretty good. Nice to walk on. I am beginning some concrete bag projects and the chicken pen door way is the first. I am excited to see how it works.

This weekend, Captain Spiderman and I went with my DIL to her SIL'S baby shower in San Antonio. We are all family by marriage but you wouldn't know it! Our DIL is Filipino and they are so close knit. Captain Spiderman loves having dozens of Tita's and Tito's to run to. Along with a couple of cousins his age!

Cap even talked us suckers in to a cool dip in the pool!

All in all, it was great! But we are glad to be home......