I guess we do? We just got lucky, being as we wanted to have all heritage breeds of stock, to find a guy close by who raises heritage pigs. We got 1 pure mulefoot boar and 2 mulefootx large black sows.
We have Large Blacks and Hampshires - Dont know much about Mulefoot but would like to see some. What feet do you get from the large black crosses cloven or non cloven ??
Some pics on here would be good and you might win photo of the week
I am seeing more and more Mulefoot pigs on my local CL. I was thinking I might give them a try. What do you like about them? anything else I should know about them?
One of the first things that really got me interested in mulefoots is their smaller size. They don't get as large as some other breeds of pigs. I also was intrigued by their non-cloven hooves and their historical background.
My experinces with them have been good, their smart, easily handled pigs although sometimes I think they're a lil too smart for their own good!lol
Hi, I just found this forum today and was looking around and saw that someone owned Mulefoot Hogs. We have been raising them for almost two years, now. We have two boars and three sows, and one gilt. We have a litter on the ground that is getting ready to go. We should have another one around Thanksgiving time. We really love these guys. We will be shipping one boar and one sow to the butcher in a month or so. They are not as productive as we would hope.