Sorry about your bad day. Life throws them at us all sometimes. Can't do much but get through them and know that it does get better again. I hope the hurt quail recovers.
Ugh, life and it's ending is expected on a farm but when Mother Nature gets cruel it can really slap you in the face.
Sure hope you feel better soon. Have you been using any new products for pest control or such lately? Just a thought...
Thank you so much for all the kind words and encouragement everyone, it means a lot and it really made me smile.
Sigh, been a rough couple of days, with fevers, vomiting, etc but finally, I’m better. Don’t know what caused me to be sick, maybe the animals? Dunno. But it was rough, very rough.
Thankfully I’m better now.
God is so good. And I trust that he knows what he's doing and is watching over me, even when sometimes it doesn't feel like it.
Well, he is!
For ages, I have been wanting to get back into the swing of caring for baby joeys……………..and look who was found in his slightly bloated mum who was in the middle of the road.
He's going to be a lot of work. Every 3 hours he needs a feed.....around the clock. Bless his little heart, if we didn't find him, well......dont think he would be alive.
He is a sweetheart. And very small.
For those of you who pray, please pray that this little guy will survive and will flourish, for his sake and mine. I can't handle another heartbreak right now, and the little fella deserves a really good life.
He has taken his first bottle really well, actually need to go feed him now.