Chillin' with the herd
I went to take my dog out at 5 AM Wed. morning before heading out on a trip to Washington DC. When I went out there were 3 dogs underneath my rabbit cages. I chased them away from my yard before going in to shower and prepare to leave because I had to meet our bus at 6:30. I should have checked the cages first. I don't know why I didn't, and I am very upset at myself for not doing so. When I came back out after my shower to feed and water all the rabbits, I realized my buck's cage was open, and he was gone. I don't know if those dogs got him, or if he ran off, but there has been no sign of him at all since then, and I am heartbroken. He gave us 3 beautiful litters, and I was looking forward to more in the future. Now I am having a VERY difficult time with the thought of having to sell this last litter because they are all we have left of him. I am definitely keeping one of them, but I don't think my husband will be very happy with me if I don't sell any of them. There are only 3, (2 sable points and a tort) and I really want to keep one of the sable points, but the tort looks JUST like Cinnamon, and I don't know if I can bring myself to sell it either.