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- #171
I'm sorry to hear about the dead chicks, I would be crying. I have only lost one in the two hatchings last year, 11 out of 12 hatched survived. They're tough, yet so fragile.I moved chicks in the hoop coop yesterday. I had to turn off all but one heat lamp during the day. Turned all 4 on yesterday at 4:30. Went out at 9PM to check on them, and first thing this morning. Temperature this morning is right above 70. They are fine.
Yesterday morning I got up to find a pile of dead chicks. They mobbed up in a pile and the ones on the bottom were dead. So, correct temperature or not, they were going to the coop. I always lose some, but yesterday morning was a massacre. Now they have plenty of room, plenty of heat lamps, feed and water. I’ll just have to watch temperatures during the day. I think from here on out, night temperature will be ok. I had lost a few here and there, lost 12 yesterday, I have 62 left. Plus I have 24 four week olds a friend gave me, in the small coop. Do still have plenty of chickens, probably more than I want to clean. LOL