mygoldendoe - deer, rabbits, &more(?)


Loving the herd life
Nov 29, 2016
Reaction score
Northeastern Alabama
Had a day out and about with kids and a friend. Found some awesome carved beads to help me along with various ideas for my booth later on...And you know with the bunnies on the brain (specially with worry over my pregnant bunny who has the helicopter ears got a head tilt now..I plan to video tape her tomorrow for compare to others) but I thought this pin was a bunny doing an elephant. I'm like well it's probably supposed to be a preditor, but some ppl on a fb group is like it's probably supposed to be a donkey...Who knows I still see a bunny. But if it's political I can't use it for my booth..
My two sets of rabbit feet and tail came out great! Gotta find something to cap them with but I'm excited. Tomorrow I'm gonna work on tanning 2 pelts that I had in freezer. (That is if the lady who wanted to view the house doesn't show up like the other lady did couple Saturdays ago)


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Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
The tail on the back animal is a bit long for a bunny. You have a rude "Democrat screwing a Republican" thing there. I'd toss it unless it is solid brass. In that case I'd melt it down and make something decent out of it.


Loving the herd life
Jun 30, 2016
Reaction score
Yeah. Definitely political. Is it brass??


Loving the herd life
Nov 29, 2016
Reaction score
Northeastern Alabama
No clue, I ended up selling it to a guy from that fb page when they all agreed it was political & I said I didn't want it in that case


Loving the herd life
Nov 29, 2016
Reaction score
Northeastern Alabama
I can see my prayers being answered. We went to my husband's property to check out the old foundation his dad and pawpaw build. It's still solid and level, very minimal trees inside and non too heavy. We seen evidence of the neighbor being on the property, pipework that had been taken out and other things. Seen he had been using and tore up a shed/workshop that wasnt his. Since G's line goes directly a foot beside his house (taking up all the neighbors driveway and quarter of his side yard) it's been my most feared situation that he would be causing problems. But we seen it looked empty. No dogs in their houses on G's land, then we see a notice on the door. It had been condemned. I was thrilled not to have to worry bout anyone when the surveyor comes out to read the deeds land dementions. But kinda sad bc that was the house his dad and pawpaw built. That my husband grew up in.
G's been researching local surveyors and loggers. He said he's not worrying over anything till he absolutely has too. I wish I was that way. Now that don't have to worry over that person my brain is fixated on the part of land that looks like it runs thru the back neighbors pool. I hate that I overworry so much. G hates it too lol. He said wait til surveyor proves it and go from there. I dread it. He said just figure out where you wanna put your rabbits.
So I'm trying to focus on that. He told me we could get some fowl too. (We were gonna get ducks here at current house before we found we werent zoned for it..Now G's changed his mind back to chickens when we talk about what he wants done long term goals for his land) I kinda want another meat animal than rabbit and chicken. Specially since hunting's been a bust with the illegal spotlighters &all. And ideally a fiber animal since I can't find a french angora rabbit breeder close by or a price range G likes. So my options are sheep, alpaca, and goats. Or atleast iv been told there are fiber goats. I'm talking with a lady on FB who has dairy goats (several different breeds) and she lives like hour away. She offered to let me meet them and see what daily care and things are for them if I go dairy goat route with an alpaca guardian. I think I was 14 the last time I was around goats.
Im hoping to get in touch with some ppl with alpaca that's bout 2 hrs away to see if they'll approve a walk thru visit. I'm not sure how strict they are on biosecurity so I hope they let me.
I think my husband's plan to detract me from worrying over neighbors is working great. I have the personality that for even not big decisions (like when I was deciding on the spinning wheel I wanted) i research the crap out of stuff for few months before deciding. so he chose a good topic to keep me busy.
My main thoughts where size of whichever I choose bc I want to be able to have a smallish manageable herd. Enough to feed us and maybe sell 2-3 for money towards their feed. Of course if they are a manageable size I'd make leather also or atleast preserve for selling to someone who did want to.
Since I'll be doing the daily week care by myself (help on weekends) I want something I can handle. I'm 5'3 and not too physically strong. So if I got it for fiber or dairy I want to feel I can do it myself. I guess I won't know all that til I go visit someone for a more hands on research.
So much to consider. I'm glad I found su h a good diverse community here with ppl who so eager to share information.
I guess I need to go brush up on @luvmypets journal again lol I love seeing your photos so I go look alot. And should probably send a message to ya about various breeds u have and your thoughts on them. But I think I need to do some overall research before bombarding you with questions I can probably find answers to in the forums and online.
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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Wow... sorry about the neighbor issues you and DH have to deal with. I hope it all comes together for you and you can start the homestead you are seeking. I'd like to throw out a couple of comments for consideration... First, Alpacas are NOT herd guardians... they are coyote/dog bait, right along with sheep and goats. When you think herd guardians, I believe you are confusing/thinking llamas, which ARE effective guardians when they choose to be. They would have to accept your goats/sheep as part of "their herd" to protect them.

Since you are interested in fiber/meat/leather/milk/etc. You might consider a dairy sheep breed crossed with a meat breed sheep. Thereby you would hopefully get a mixed bag of the best of both worlds... dairy sheep are wool sheep and meat sheep are hair sheep. If it worked out right, you'd get a mix of all and have a market for the babies as well. I believe the best milk sheep are Friesian Of course for a small homestead, this may assist: And if you read down just a bit here, you'll see what I want to do personally with a flock of Katahdins and a Dorper ram: I want goats as well, for dairy.


Loving the herd life
Nov 29, 2016
Reaction score
Northeastern Alabama
First, Alpacas are NOT herd guardians... they are coyote/dog bait, right along with sheep and goats. When you think herd guardians, I believe you are confusing/thinking llamas, which ARE effective guardians when they choose to be. They would have to accept your goats/sheep as part of "their herd" to protect them.
Well I didn't originally think they were. I didn't even know you could pasture them with other animals (that's how little I know of them and why I want to start my research now bc it'll probably be a year before we get livestock other than our rabbits and some fowl.
one of the ladies I talk to on FB has dairy goats and kept a an alpaca with her herd until it's death of old age. She called the alpacas gaurdians; so I have been researching them as such, and was surprised and how much it was brought up. Maybe they are just hopeful and haven't came across issues in their area. I'm still looking into it tho so I'll try to research that distinction.
And thank you for those website!! I'll gladly take my pen and paper to them when family time is over! I gladly take all the help I can get! Lol


Loving the herd life
Nov 29, 2016
Reaction score
Northeastern Alabama
Both our girls are due the 6/7th and originally gonna wait til monday to give the nest boxes so it could be really established before birth, but the NZ doe is making a huge pile in the corner.. like more clean and neater by picking up all the hay laying around the cage she had been playing tunnels in...