Mystang's Homesteading Circus


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
You never did mention if he was put in this stall area by himself. If so, I really think that giving him one of the other rams for company would help.
There is one other thing I think you should address. If he is doing this because of the ewes being in heat, you really need to consider that he could become aggressive towards you or towards your children. This kind of attitude is not acceptable when you have children that could go out in the field with the sheep, or even out to just play in the field. He can hurt a child badly if he were to hit one from the back or side unexpectedly. I think you have a disaster in the making. I know what it is like to get hit by a ram that is only trying to get out of a pen . I was chased by one when I was younger and the friend with me got rammed by him and got 2 of his ribs broken before we could get over the fence.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Due to Tornado Bruce school has been cancelled today while repairs are made to the barn structure.

View attachment 52100
Better call Burt.
Looks like you got yourself one of them there graboids..


True BYH Addict
Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
Charlestown IN
Just in case anyone was wondering, Bruce has not eaten me yet, nor I him. He did break the door separating the front and back pasture today so I went out there and fixed it with some sturdier wood. I think this video sums up Bruce and myself. Any Star Trek fans out there should appreciate it. Just take out the Khan and put BRUUUUUUCE!

Were you keeping the one ram by himself, or did you have him with the 2 young rams? He was looking for company, not just the ewes. However, we do not keep them near to each other, definitely not alongside the same fence and not within "smelling range" of the females. We keep our rams in standard woven wire - field fence - that is 47-48 high.

Sorry for taking so long to respond. Thank you for all the info! He is not by himself. He actually has 2 other rams that he stays with all day. It would be nice to be able to have him separated from the females by such a length but that isn't possible on this homestead so I just need to think outside the box :)

I am not surprised at the amount of milk you were getting when you said that there was still a lamb with the ewe. And she liked a lamb nursing or she wouldn't have let the other one steal off her.
Is there a reason why you are milking sheep instead of a goat?

Yeah, ol' Betsy is still letting her milk off her when she wants. I stopped milking her a few weeks ago though so Betsy should start tapering her off for good. Provided Bruce didn't impregnate her when he escaped in the barn a couple weeks back she shouldn't be mated this year. That should allow her to gain her weight back. Clara Bell did a good job of feeding her lamb and keeping her weight so I went ahead and mated her again. Not sure how to know they are pregnant though. Anything wrong with putting her back in with him in a month or 2 just to make sure and just be ready for two possible dates?

Reason for not wanting goats?.....mmmm, don't like em? Lol, no logical reason. Just don't like them.

Do you let the sheep have access to a good mineral mix?

Yeah, they have access to mineral block specifically for ewes.

rabbits as a good amount of their meat source.

Up until here recently we used to raise rabbits for meat but my wife decided the meat wasn't worth the money spent to feed all the kits so I terminated that venture.

As an update for recent activities, not much happening, School is in session of course so that has been taking up all day. We did go outside the other day during the rainstorm and play in the creek. Everyone had a great time and we give thanks to God for giving us such an awesome water park.

The lawn mower blew up today. Oil got in the piston chamber and boom. Kinda sucks but it is what it is.

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