Mystang's Homesteading Circus


Herd Master
Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
Charlestown IN
Purchase a Massey hay baler today and got it home safe and sound, no tires blown like the haybine. Just bought another time for that today. I'll probably go out tomorrow and cut the pasture with it. If anyone has ag of wisdom they like to share about how to know if you're grass is ready to be cut feel free to share. One person told me that when the grass gets a bit below your knees it's ready. I'm sure that depends on what grass but it's a starting point for me.

We're trying to get water run to the barn so we can clean things or there when we milk. The line runs 113ft so that's how far my son and I dug the ditch. 113ft....of gravel...gravel that was 4" thick in the shallow parts and close to 1' thick in other parts. After the gravel came the easy stuff to dig, clay. Good ol' clay. I have more blisters on my hand than I've had in a while and they're in spots I didn't know I could get them lol.

Another thing started was rewiring the barn and placing lights in areas that actually need them, like the stalls for starters. Also fixed a few that had been broken from before we moved in. Almost done with that project.

The tractor tire is low and I'm REALLY hoping the bead broke. I'll try to air out up again them keep an eye on it. If it sinks again I'll take it off, break the bead completely, then seal the bead again and air it again. That doesn't work, I'll cry and hope my tears fix it.