Mystang's Homesteading Circus

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA

Some cheese recipes are doable with cow, goat, sheep milk. As noted, with the extra cream, you sometimes need to handle it differently. With heavy cream, you also get a better volume of cheese per quantity of milk. this is where the Nigies are great in goat milk, heavier butterfat. Google sheep milk cheese recipes. I looked in the book I have and many recipes say either type milk. Chevre is one that may need adjustment :idunno I have only goat milk.

Also, sheep milk, like goat milk, is naturally homogenized. so you don't get a huge rise of cream quickly, as with cow milk. I use a cream separator for the goat milk if I want cream & butter. It will rise more in early lactation as it has heavier cream at that time.

Another thing -- I mention since you are new to milking -- the milk will have some changes as they go thru lactation cycle. The amount of butterfat is greater in beginning & total volume will drop in later lactation.. Also, when cycling they will usually drop quantity for a day or two. Of course you dry them off a couple months before lambing.

Obviously, all cow, goat, sheep give milk BUT -- those breeds which were developed for milking will give you a far different output than those breeds which are for meat. Of course, input= output. Feed on milk stand is a sure enticement to go there but, it is to keep them producing! So feeds for those being milked are a consideration beyond the "pasture ornaments". :D =D


Herd Master
Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
Charlestown IN
Been cutting through trees in the back pasture trying to get enough firewood for the winter. Don't want to run out like we did last year.

As far as the sheep are concerned this post pretty much sums up what's been going on.

We had a string of attacks from a raccoon a week ago or so and lost 3 or 4 chickens. I saw done chicks at Rural King a few days later and got to thinking about wanting to replenish our chicken flick now rather than Easter time so that when summer gets here next year I'll be getting eggs, not waiting on chicks to grow old enough to lay only to hit the winter lull and not get anything.
We had a broody chicken who had gone broody quite often so I figured I'd give her what she wanted. I bought 7 chicks, came home and waited till night time for myself and @mrs.mystang89 to go out to place the chicks under the broody chicken in the hopes that in the morning she would wake up and think she had hatched them.


Herd Master
Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
Charlestown IN
Hit the wrong button, sorry for the double post but here is another pic.

And another with one of them playing peek-a-boo.

We went outside late the next day to put the chickens away and find one of the chickens missing. No feathers gone, no blood, nothing. We didn't know what to do so we just went back inside. I came out the next day to let them out and low and behold there the missing chicken was, walking around outside of the chicken coop while everyone else was safely inside. Mind blown but at least she was ok.

Went out yesterday and she was gone again but this time we heard a sound coming from outside the coop. Out we went, looked up, and we found her.

Came out this morning, she was done. Let the chickens out to join her and a white chicken decided she wanted to see what all the fuss was about so she jumped up in the tree and started to hop from branch to branch.

Never a dull moment. I thank God He's given us this slice of heaven.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Great that the hen took the chicks. Some will take anything, some not so much. Had one that would not take white chicks... only striped or black or dark colors....ooookaaaay. She was a great mother. Didn't force the issue as I tried to have at least 2 setting at the same time so I could split the chicks up. Had another one that would take all she could gather. Sometimes would find her with 15 or more and the other "real momma" would only have 2-3 of her own. In the morning they would both just be taking care of them. The one that wouldn't take white chicks I always kept separate because she just didn't like any white chicks around her. They say they are color blind...... she is long gone now but it was interesting to see her "color preference". Wish i had someone broody now. Well, will have to find some more to replace what I lost, this fall at the poultry swap or else at our poultry club show in Nov.. Don't want small stuff then with cold weather coming, and my surgery in Jan..... have to think about consolidation and then maybe get more stuff going in April when I am hopefully getting around better.