need help ASAP w/ urinary stones


Ridin' The Range
Aug 23, 2010
Reaction score
I was contacted by a former customer whos wether has urinary stones.. They called 3 different vet and none will see him cause they are to busy w/ horses and cows... They said just to massage and give amonium chloride... He cant get the chloride till Monday,, he had to order it....

What can he do to help this liitle fellow out... My vet could help but he lives 3 hours away..... This guy is really upset as he loves this little guy and it is his first goat..

I dont know much about treatment of this only prevention,, i dont grain my boys..

please if someone out there can give me some advise to pass on that would be great!!

thanks in advance!


Alpaca Master
Jun 1, 2009
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North Central Ohio
If you do a search, cmjust0 has a good thread on UC. He went through it and has a lot of info for treating.


Overrun with beasties
May 23, 2009
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I just read an article in the Usbga magazine, The US Boer Goat, that made some suggestions about some "at home" remedies...Highlight Suggestions...A vet check is the best bet but this may help until then... Calculi.pdf
Let it be noted I have never tried this myself and would hesitate to tell a novice to "give it a whirl" before tested it myself, but read it anyway.

Roll farms

Spot Master
Jun 5, 2009
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Marion, IN
We had to use the "fruit fresh" route once, too...w/ a Nubian buck. We also cut off his 'pizzle' at the same time we were drenching him w/ the FF. He recovered and made many pretty babies.

I would advise they find Fruit Fresh ASAP and start drenching ASAP....

(Now I always keep Am. Ch. on hand..but the ff was a life saver when I needed it.)


Ridin' The Range
Jun 30, 2010
Reaction score
Interesting use of the Fruit Fresh. In considering "what would I do" stuff in my head I had thought about drenching with vinegar or citrus juice but FF never occurred to me. And after you read it, it's one of those "duh!" type things. I wonder if top dressing with it would have a similar result as a preventative and be easier on the kidneys than AC.


Ridin' The Range
Aug 23, 2010
Reaction score
thanks everyone!!!! he did say the vet told him about FF and that he was using it...

hope the little guy pulls through!


True BYH Addict
Jul 10, 2009
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He needs to get ahold of a vet -- any vet -- and ask for some banamine (1ml/100lbs), enough dex to last at least a week @ 1ml/20lbs, and he needs to start him on an antibiotic. PenG should suffice @ 1ml/15lbs 2x/day (18ga-20ga needle) for the duration of the Dex -- plus a few extra days. If he can get some, a shot of acepromazine would also be a really good idea.

If the vet balks at the dex, he should tell the vet that goats *have been saved* using dex, because it prevents the inflammation that WILL follow and which WILL swell the urethra shut and kill the goat. Any vet should understand the value of giving dex once life-threatening inflammation is brought into the picture.

If the vet balks at Ace, he should tell the vet that goats *have been known to begin peeing* once Ace is administered, because it relaxes the spasming muscles of the sigmoid flexure. Vet should understand that, too..

The owner should also snip that pizzle right away.. It's not hard to do, but it takes two people.. Sit the goat on his rump and externalize his penis by pushing up from the bottom -- behind where his sack would be -- and down from the top. When the penis comes out, he *should* see a little curly-q thing on the end of it. It's just an extension of the urethra...the tube, in other words.

Cut the curly-q off.

That's all there is to that. No sedation required, and he shouldn't bleed very much at all.

This little dude *needs* A/C, though. If you're vet's three hours away and has some, tell him to get in his car and DRIVE. It would also be a good idea for him to call someone from the local goat association in his area, if there is one, and see if they know of anyone in the organization who keeps AC on hand.

I keep some.. If some stranger called me out of the blue and needed it, I'd personally be more than happy to help out. They'd also get dex, banamine, and PenG if they needed it. Most goat people I know are just like that, too...willing to lend a hand whenever necessary.

Keep us posted.

Emmetts Dairy

Loving the herd life
Jul 25, 2010
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New Hampshire
Im sooo sorry...My little guy had to be put down with UC. :(

First is he urinating at all??????? Important...Best to get to a vet asap! Dont give him alot of fluids..cuz you dont want to fill the bladder to much it could potentially burst which is fatal. I cant stress enough he should really seek medical attention...!!!!! :fl

Urinary Calculi requires immediate medical attention. This condition will not correct itself and if left untreated, the goat will die. Administer Banamine (1 cc per 100 lbs bodyweight daily) for the pain, if you have it and get help asap if you are not experienced with catherizing etc....soooo important!!!

The boy will have to be catherized to relieve any build up of urine. And he pizzle on the penis will have to be removed before catherizing him. If experienced you can do this, but most folks should have this procedure performed by a qualified veterinarian. The pizzle is the "curley-qued" appendage on the side of the penis. You can check the pizzle and see if the stones in there...clean gloves and gently I mean gently feel if there is anything in there..If so gently slide it out...remember this is very painful for them...NOT PRETTY....

If this treatment is unsuccessful, the goat must be taken immediately to a qualified veterinarian; the need for surgery under sedation is likely. If he waits too long, surgery won't save the goat. And the surgery will make him unbreedable.

Here are the dosing instructions provided to me using Ammonium chloride. Mix the following in 20 cc water and orally drench: One (1) teaspoon Ammonium chloride per 75 lbs bodyweight every 12 hours for 2 days, then 1/2 tsp AC per 75 lbs bodyweight every 12 hours for the next 3 days, then 1/2 tsp once a day for 3 days, then 1/4 tsp daily as a preventative. Dosages are based upon 75 lb liveweights. Ammonium chloride burns the throat, so stomach tube it into the goat.

I hope it passes...but I would get him to a vet ASAP...His surrvial will really depend on where it is and how long he's been blocked!!! I am sooo sorry. Im praying!! I wish I was close I would help... I did learn alot when my buck passed though. My vet made me put on gloves and do all this with his guidence. His stones could not pass and we had to euthenize. But he said...if your gonna keep bucks (even only on hay this can happen) insist I learn this procedure...

Keep us posted...anything I can do to help...just ask!! Thinking of you...and your boy ;(

EDIT: Please let me correct my really cant catherize a buck...its more of a flush....the fluids go in to try and you try to dislodge any stones....its like catherizing...but you really cant drain the bladder per se of a buck...

Emmetts Dairy

Loving the herd life
Jul 25, 2010
Reaction score
New Hampshire
cmjust0 said:
The owner should also snip that pizzle right away.. It's not hard to do, but it takes two people.. Sit the goat on his rump and externalize his penis by pushing up from the bottom -- behind where his sack would be -- and down from the top. When the penis comes out, he *should* see a little curly-q thing on the end of it. It's just an extension of the urethra...the tube, in other words.

Cut the curly-q off.

That's all there is to that. No sedation required, and he shouldn't bleed very much at all.

I keep some.. If some stranger called me out of the blue and needed it, I'd personally be more than happy to help out. They'd also get dex, banamine, and PenG if they needed it. Most goat people I know are just like that, too...willing to lend a hand whenever necessary.

Keep us posted.
Very GOOD point...forgot to mention it...and he is absolutly goat farms close...they may have the expirence to help and drugs on hand...We love our goaties and most always willing to help!!!!


Ridin' The Range
Aug 23, 2010
Reaction score
thanks everyone!!!! I sent him this link and I hope it helps.... I will let you know when I hear anything:)

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